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a/n: I feel like the last couple chapters have been a little repetitive, but I think it's important to add POVs from other characters, not just Marshall and Avery.

Marshall POV
A Few Weeks Later - In Texas

I basically dragged ass into the studio, sitting next to Denaun at the soundboard. He quickly furrowed his eyebrows, "yo, you good man?" he asked. I sat in silence for a minute as my mind went blank. "Marsh, you good?" he asked again. 

I sighed, "I honestly don't have an answer" I said as I shook my head. I sat back as I crossed my arms as he copied my actions, "what's going on?" he asked as he swiveled his chair toward me. 

I cleared my throat, "when Avery and I were first together, it was us against the world you know, literally nothing else mattered" I said as I chewed at my lip. "I know, it was that shit you never thought existed" Denaun said as he playfully rolled his eyes. 

"Now it just feels like she's pulling away from me" I said as I shrugged, "I've asked a thousand and one times, and its only driven us apart more" I said softly. "I just, I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know what's causing all this but her attitude toward me is completely different" 

Denaun let out a sigh, "I've know you for a long time" he said, "did you do something you weren't supposed to being doing?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. I pursed my lips, "I'm to old for that shit, man" I said as I waved him off. 

"The only thing I can think upset her is that I was in the studio, more than I needed to be after Tatum was born but I apologized" I said as I looked down, letting the brim of my hat cover my eyes as I let out a sigh. 

I knew I wanted to be at the studio to escape the issues that were home, but at the same time, I wanted to be home to resolve those same issues. 

Denaun cleared his throat, "I mean, we all know you're a workaholic Marsh" he said, "but why did you feel like you needed to be in the studio like that?" he asked as I shrugged. "I- I don't know, I just wanted to be able to give them everything they wanted" 

He rolled his eyes, "you know damn well you could do that without having to work yourself into the ground" he said. "Maybe you were nervous to be a dad again?" he said cautiously as I let out a scoff as we made eye contact, "of course I was, I haven't dealt with diapers in a minute" I said as I ran my hands over my beard. 

"And I  missed alot with my girls, to get to where I am today and I don't wanna miss that with Tatum"

Denaun nodded, "understandable" he said before there was a silence between us. "Avery told Samantha that she felt alone, and that she's angry and cries all the time" I said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. Denaun furrowed his eyebrows, "what?' he asked confused.

 I nodded, "have you guys talked about it?" he asked. I let out a deep sigh, "yeah, I just think there's more than what she's telling any of us" I said. "I wasted no time and brought it up immediately, I wanted to fix whatever was bothering her" 

"I figured if she was lonely, coming back to Texas would help" I said as I shrugged, "her friends and family are here" I said. "Has it helped any?" Denaun asked as I shook my head defeated, "the tension is still there, she barely says a few words to me" 

"It would be one thing if I knew what I did, but I walk around aimlessly wondering what I did. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells" I said as Denaun sighed, "I'm at a loss man, this just doesn't sound like Avery. I don't wanna believe it" 

I ran my hand over my face, "I don't wanna believe it either" I said as I tried to keep it together as best I could. 

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