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Avery POV
July 4, 2022 - Fourth of July Weekend

I looked up as Marshall walked into the kitchen with Tatum in his arms, as she was buried in his chest as his lips lingered on her skin. "Hi, mama" he said softly as he turned her toward me, her eyes still puffy from her nap. "Did you have a good nap, baby girl?" I asked her, as she reached out for me.

"You think she's gonna be scared of all the fireworks later?" Marshall asked concerned, as I strapped her in her bumbo seat on the counter. I shrugged, "I'm sure she's not gonna love all the noise" I said as we heard the front door swing open.

"Dad, Avery!" the girls called out as they walked into the kitchen. "Oh my goodness!" Lane said as she stopped in the doorway of the kitchen, "are sitting up, like a big girl?" she asked as Tatum let out a smile and kicked her feet excitedly.

"You need to stop growing!" Lane said as she grabbed Tatum in her arms and peppered her with kisses. "Its crazy that she's already four months old" Hai said, "any ideas of what we're doing for her first birthday?" Lane asked.

"Okay, enough" Marshall said as he shook his head, "you're gonna make my blood pressure shoot through the damn roof" he said as I let out a laugh. "You think its funny?" he asked as he pulled me into him, resting his head against mine. I shook my head, "no, never baby" I said in between laughs as he let out a sly smile.

"You're so lucky, that I love you" he said as he grabbed my ass, before attaching his lips to my neck as I let out a laugh. "Ew!" Lane said.

"Dad, seriously?" Hai asked as she shook her head before they both rolled their eyes and went out to the backyard. Marshall shrugged, "I forgot they were here" he said as he playfully pulled me back into him.

"Maybe later, we could have our own private party" I said as I grazed my nails across the nape of his neck. "Oh ba- baby don't tease me like that" he stuttered, before he chewed at his lip. "Now I'll have to go all day, thinking about you and wanting to fuck the shit outta that sweet littl-" he was saying before the doorbell rang. Marshall threw his head back, "dammit" he said under his breath as he went to go open the door.

I could here the conversation of everyone as they made their way down the hallway. "You ready for the fireworks?" Nathan asked as he walked into the kitchen, as Ashley followed behind him.

I rolled my eyes, "Nathan, you better not blow the fucking house up" I said. "It's Marshall you have to watch, not me" he said as he chewed at his lip playfully.

"I don't trust either of you with any explosives" I said as I crossed my arms. "I promise these two will still have all their limbs at the end of tonight" Evan said as he casually walked through the kitchen, "just sit back, grab a drink and enjoy the show" he said before going out to the backyard. I sighed, knowing boys just wanted to be boys.

"Will one of you start the grill, I'm starving" I said as I exaggerated my tone as I grabbed everything out of the fridge, and headed to the backyard. "You act like I don't feed you" Marshall said as he followed behind me. "I want a hot dog!" Hai yelled out from the pool.

"Same!" Lane said as Marshall shook his head. "Better get those weenies on the grill baby" I said as I grabbed a handful of Marshall's ass, playfully. "I'll grill, you two go feel each other up somewhere else" Nathan said as he rolled his eyes before starting the grill.

I let out a laugh before grabbing a drink from the cooler, "oh, mama!" Hai said playfully. I rolled my eyes as I sat at the edge of the pool, taking a sip of my drink. "No wonder dad can't keep his hands off you, you look smoking" Lane said as I could feel my face flush.

"You can't even tell you had a baby four months ago" Lane said as I shrugged. "Trying to make sure I'm in taking enough calories while breastfeeding, is hard"

"But i don't care about my calories, I care if she's fed" I said. "Do you guys ever think about having anymore kids?" Hai asked bluntly. "I- I, uh" I said as I stumbled over my words before Tatum saw Marshall, causing her to kick her legs.

Lane let out a laugh, "do you see daddy?" She asked as she handed Tatum to Marshall. Without hesitation, he took her and within seconds she was comforted by his presence.

I watched Marshall intently as he interacted with all his daughters. There was nothing better than seeing your husband be a father. It made my knees weak, it made me want to give in. "Marsh" I said barely above a whisper in his ear.

He let out a half smile, "yeah, ma?" he said. "If you still wanna try, I think I'm ready to try for another baby" I said as I grazed my nails at the nape of his neck.

"R- really?" he asked nervously. I nodded, before walking away letting the idea linger for awhile.


"You guys ready for some fireworks?" Nathan asked as he grabbed the boxes, running back and forth across the front lawn. "Oh lord" I said as the girls and I set up the blankets on the grass.

Lane let out a laugh, "I don't think there's enough grown men and explosives over there" she said as I rolled my eyes. "Marsh come on, I'm waiting on you" Nathan called out, waving him over.

He ran over, "please be safe!" I yelled out, before they shot me the thumbs up. Before I knew it they started and there was loud booms and crackling all over. "She jumped at the noise, but she's not crying" Lane said as we made eye contact.

"That's mama's brave girl" I said as I held her close, as the fireworks continued to go off. As the guys ran back and forth across the yard lighting fireworks, all kinds of colors shot across the sky.

I could see Marshall's shadow run across the lawn and onto the blanket, "Happy Fourth of July, baby girl" he said as picked her up cradling her. "You too, ma" he said before pressing a kiss to my skin.



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