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a/n: this chapter was definitely all about Tatum, but who doesn't love to see Marshall/ Avery excited over their girl

Marshall POV
One month later

My eyes opened to the sound of my daughters soft whimpers over the baby monitor. I quickly glanced over to the clocked on the nightstand, 6:30 am. Avery rustled in the blankets, trying to unravel herself before I pulled her twisted blankets into me as she calmed. "I got her, go back to sleep" I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

"You sure?" she questioned, her voice still raspy. I let out a small laugh as I nodded, "positive, baby" I said as I threw the covers off of me, before heading to Tatum's nursery. "Hey, hey what's all the fuss about peanut?" I asked as I grabbed Tatum, soothing her.

Still letting out small whimpers, I brought her over to the changing table and swapped out her soiled diaper for a fresh one before grabbing her blanket and pacifier. "You ready for milk?" I asked her, as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, pulling a pre-made bottle out of the fridge to warm up. Tatum knew she was hungry, and she knew it wasn't being made fast enough as she let out a few more whimpers before she nestled her head into my chest.

I sighed, "just a few more seconds, Tay" I said as the microwave beeped, before I grabbed her bottle and headed over to the couch. Her cries were hushed as she quickly took the bottle in her mouth, as I let out a sigh of relief knowing she was soothed.

"Tatum Grace, if you are anything like your sisters, or mother. You are gonna give me a run for my money, but I'm okay with that" I said as I softly caressed her skin. She dropped the bottle from her mouth, letting milk spill everywhere as she gave me a gummy smile. "I love your sisters, but you and your mother pulled me out of a very dark place. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you guys" I said as I laid her on my chest.


"Marsh" I heard Avery's voice somewhere in the background. "Marshall" I heard Avery say again, as my eyes opened as she ran her hand across my bearded face. "Where's Tay?" I asked as I let out a heavy sigh.

Avery let out a smile and pointed to the play mat on the floor, "she's playing with her toys" she said as she sat next to me on the couch. "I guess we fell back asleep" I said as I let out a yawn as Avery nodded, "it was the cutest thing, I had ever seen" she said as she pulled up the pictures on her phone.

"I'm kinda sad though, I missed out on daddy's cuddles" she said as I chewed at my lip, "no you didn't, baby" I said as I pulled her into me before pressing my lips to her skin. "What are you wanting to do today?" I asked as Avery pursed her lips, "a lazy day in has been weighing on my mind"

"Okay" I said as I let out a chuckle, "we can make breakfast, take the baby for a walk or watch a movie" I said as I shrugged. "Whatever you wanna do, baby" I said as I sat up before heading into the kitchen and grabbed a mug out of the cabinet, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"Are you hungry, I can make you breakfast if you want" I said as I took a sip of my coffee. A smile came across her face, "how about, pancakes?" she said as I rolled my eyes. "Do you know how many pancakes you've consumed during the course of our relationship?" I asked as I rummaged through the pantry. Avery shrugged, "I dunno, maybe like 10,423" she said as I nodded and continued to mix the batter. "With the way you eat, that number sounds about right" I said as I shot her a wink.

Avery walked into the kitchen with the baby on her hip and her coffee mug in the other as my t shirt perfectly hung off her. Three years later and this woman still had me falling for her harder than the day before. "Tay, you want some puffs?" Avery asked her, as she rummaged through the pantry before she set Tatum down in her bumbo seat on the counter.

"Here you go, baby" she said as she placed a few snacks in front of her, before pressing kisses to Tatum's cheek. Tatum let out a loud squeal as she reached out for Avery's face, "you loving on your mama?" I said as I slid a plate of pancakes in front of Avery as Tay gave me a gummy smile before she reached out, trying to place the puff that was in between her little fingers in my mouth.

"Oh, are you trying to share with daddy?" I said, "thank you, baby" I said as I took the puff.

Tatum went on her own tangent of babbling as she continued to eat her puffs before I put more on her tray. "I think its time for you to say some words, baby girl" I said as I caressed her skin, "how about da-da?" I said as she continued to babble, trying to follow what I was saying. "Or, ma-ma?" I said as I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Avery let out a laugh, "Marsh, she'll talk when she's ready" she said as she shoved another forkful of pancake in her mouth. I sighed, "I know, but i feel like its on the tip of her tongue" I said as looked back at Tatum, as she continued to eat her puffs before looking back up at me.

"Da-da" Tatum said softly.

Avery and I quickly made eye contact, "did she, just?" Avery asked as she tried to swallow her mouthful of pancakes. I nodded, just as shocked. "Say it again baby, say something else for daddy" I said as took her in my arms, trying to contain my excitement. Tatum smiled showing me her two little bottom teeth, as she scrunched her nose up as hard as she could. "Dada" she said again as she reached out for my beard.

"How about ma-ma?" I said as I pressed a kissed to her skin, as she continued to babble. She stopped for a minute before reaching out for Avery, "ma-ma" she said as Avery's eyes started to water. "Yes, baby girl" she said as she took Tatum in her arms, as a few tears streamed down her face.

Avery sniffled her way back to the living room, holding Tatum as close as possible. "Why are you crying baby?" I asked as I followed behind her. She sighed, "I know your babies can't stay babies forever" she said as I nodded. "All I want is for Tay to be a happy and healthy baby, and I am so proud when she's ahead of the game and hitting all her milestones"

"But emotionally, I can't handle everything at one" she said, "her teeth are coming through, and she's trying to crawl and now she's trying to talk"

"Next thing you know she's gonna be telling us she's in love with her boyfriend, or she's decided what college she wants to go to" she said. "Well, the boyfriend thing won't be an issue because she can't date till she's thirty" I said as Avery rolled her eyes at me, before I pulled her into me.

"We can't stop Tay from from growing up, its what kids do. But we can savor every minute with her, before its gone" I said. "I understand that some days are harder than others, and you don't wanna savor those, but you'll miss them"

I sighed, "but if you're feeling overwhelmed let me know baby, I'm here" I said as I pushed some loose hair behind her ear, as she nodded. "And a whole mess of other people" I said as I pressed my lips to her skin. "How about we give Hai and Lane a call" I said as I grabbed my phone off the coffee table, and picked Tatum up off her play mat.

One ring, two rings, three rings.

"Hey dad, Oh, good morning Tay" Lane said as she answered the facetime call. "Say good morning Lala" I said as I angled the camera in front of Tatum as she smiled, showing Lane her two teeth that were popping through.

"Wait a minute, are those two little teeth coming in?" Lane asked as she moved closer to the camera as I let out a laugh and nodded, "look at you, little mama" she said as Hailie popped up on the screen, and a smile immediately came across her face. "Good morning, tater bug" she said happily.

"Is this a family meeting or something?" Hai asked as I shook my head, as Tatum looked up at me, reaching for my beard. "Dad, you really need to trim that before she just yanks on it one day" Hai said as she shook her head. "Da-da" Tatum's little voice chimed in, as both the girls sat there in disbelief.

"Did she, just?" Lane asked, "she just talked" Hai said as she finished Lane's sentence. I nodded, "she also called out for Avery this morning" I said as the girls were trying to process what I was telling them.

"Like out of nowhere?" Lane asked as I sighed, "she's been babbling for awhile now, I knew sooner or later she was gonna be ready" I said as I watched Tatum on her play mat. "Before you know it, she's gonna be a walking talking girl" Lane said as I watched Avery in the kitchen, thinking about our talk, to have a second baby.

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