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Marshall POV

I sat swiveling in my chair, in silence as my mother's letter stared back at me. I was perplexed, before the familiar scent of vanilla wafted into the room, comforting me. I turned to see Avery leaning against the door frame, wearing one of my t shirts as it hung off her frame.

"What are you doing up, ma?" I asked barely above a whisper. "I was checking on the baby, what are you still doing up?" she asked as she crawled into my lap. I sighed, "I keep rereading this letter, I can't figure out why she would even send it"

I pressed my tongue to my cheek, "I- I don't know what to do about it" I said. Avery grazed the nape of my neck with her nails, "what do you wanna do about, baby?" she asked. I shrugged, "I wanna do what's best for the kids, you know?"

She nodded, "absolutely" she said. I cleared my throat, "years ago I was angry about the situation, and I think rightfully so" I said. "I wanted her nowhere near my children"

"But as I got older, I learned that its not easy to raise children in an unfit environment" I said, "and even though we haven't seen each other in a few years, we made our peace"

Avery ran her hand through my beard, "you don't have to make the decision now, sleep on it" she said as she pressed her lips to my skin.

I let out a sigh as I made eye contact with the ground, "I won't be a prick, I'll reach out" I said, "if it was just me I wouldn't care. But the thing that truly bothers me is that she didn't get the chance to see any of her grandchildren grow up"

"I love you" Avery said as she kissed me softly.

"You more" I said, "I'll let her see Tay and see how that goes, she can't talk yet" I said as Avery let out a small laugh.


Avery POV
One week later

Tatum softly cooed at me, trying to get my attention, "did you have a good nap?" I asked her as I peppered her skin with kisses as she scrunched her nose up at me, reaching out for me.

"Mama loves you, baby girl" I said as I picked her up, before seeing a car pull into the driveway out of the window of Tatum's nursery. I suddenly became nauseated, and my anxiety soared through the roof.

"Okay, Tay" I said as I pressed my lips to Tatum's skin, "we're about to meet your grandma, and I don't really know what to expect" I said as the doorbell rang, causing me to jump a little. I could hear some conversation between her and Marshall as he let her inside, giving them a minute before going downstairs.

I took a deep breath, trying to ease my nerves.

As I walked downstairs, I knew Marshall heard my footsteps because he turned quickly, clearing his throat, "mom, this is Avery" he said as he introduced us as he took Tatum from my arms. A small nervous smile came across my face, "its a pleasure to meet you, Debbie" I said softly.

She let out a small smile, "you are so pretty, honey" she said as my face flushed. "Thank you" I said as I looked down nervously. "Don't forget this little one" Marshall said with a small smile as he handed our daughter to his mother. He wrapped his arm around my waist, as we watched Tay laugh and reach for his mother as she was soaking up every minute.

"She seems like such a good baby" she said as she loved on Tatum. I nodded, "she is, she's truly the best thing we could have asked for" I said as I looked up at Marshall, before he kissed me on the forehead.

Debbie let out a laugh, "I can't ever recall you so happy, Marshall" she said as she furrowed her eyebrows, as he let out an awkward laugh. "Where did you guys meet?" she asked. I chewed at my lip, "we ran into each other at a football game, her family owns the Cowboys" he said, "she eventually caught on that I was not showing up for the football games" he said as he pulled me into him.

"The Cowboys, that's why your name is so familiar" she said, "Your Jerry Jones' little granddaughter, I remember seeing you always attached to your grandpa's hip"

"That had to be what, 99' early 2000?" she said, "Thats about the time Marshall's career was coming up" she said Tatum let out a whine. "What's the matter, peanut?" Marshall asked as he took her from his mothers arms, taking her back upstairs.

I cleared my throat as I walked into the kitchen, "can I get you something to drink Debbie?" I asked as she followed behind me, sitting at one of the kitchen bar stools.

"Water, please"

I nodded, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, "so, you and Hailie are the same age?" she asked almost belittling me. I simply nodded hoping this whole thing would be over sooner than later.

"So, how true is your little love story?" she asked as
I furrowed my eyebrows. "I- I'm sorry, what?" I asked taken back. She shrugged, "it's hard to believe your not with Marshall for his status, or money"

"Marshall and I have been together for three years" I said on the verge of tears. She let out a scoff, "and?" she said, "the whole falling in love and living happily ever after thing was never Marshall's way of thinking"

"You want me to believe that you didn't trap him into this?" she added. I pressed my tongue to my cheek, feeling my blood start to boil. "You know, I find it funny how you think I trapped him... but all this was Marshall's idea"

"He asked me to move in with him, he asked me to marry him and he asked me to have more kids" I said sternly. "Nowhere in that sentence did I see me trapping, or begging him to do anything" I said as I walked out of the kitchen.


Conversation continued between Marshall and his mother for a few minutes, before he came into the bedroom. I sighed and sat up against the headboard, "I'm sorry" I said "everything was going good, until it wasn't" I said as I put my head in my hands.

Marshall shook his head, "Avery, I'm sorry" he said, "she provoked that. It was my mistake to think she changed"

"I- it just gets under my skin when people think I'm with you for anything else but you" I said as my voice cracked. "Baby" Marshall said as he cupped my face.

"I know, I know" he said as he pulled me into him. "I love you, with everything I have" he said as I buried myself into him. "I love you" I said softly.

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