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Avery POV
March 12, 2023 - Tatum's First Birthday

It was quiet throughout the house as I made myself a cup of coffee, and brought it to the living room to enjoy in silence, while everyone was asleep. My mind ran wild, thinking about today and how it was so surreal how a year had come and gone so fast. "Can't sleep?" Marshall whispered as he plopped next to me on the couch.

I shook my head, "no, to many things on my mind" I said as I ran my fingers through his bedhead. Marshall let out a sigh, "if you're worrying about the party, don't, you have plenty of help here baby" he said as he pulled the blanket up over us haphazardly. There was a small silence, "Tay was only a couple hours old, this time last year" Marshall said as my eyes roamed over to the baby monitor.

"Where did a freaking year go?" I asked as my eyes began to water as Marshall let out a laugh, and pulled me into him. "I told you, watching your kids grow up is hard, but it is the most rewarding thing you'll ever do" he said. "But I am more than happy that I get to do it along side you" he said as he pressed his lips to my skin. "I love you, Marshall"

"I love you"


"Ma-ma" Tatum yelled as I heard her pitter patter down the hallway as Marshall followed behind her. "Happy Birthday, my girl" I said as I met her halfway, scooping her up in my arms as she tangled her fingers in my hair. I smothered her with kisses as I walked back to the kitchen, as she let out a squeal.

"Are you hungry, are you ready for some breakfast?" I asked as I buckled her into her highchair before setting chocolate chip pancake pieces in front of her. "Oh, mama's specialty" Marshall said as he shot me a wink as I rolled my eyes, and set a few blueberries in front of her and plate in front of him before hearing my mother's southern accent echo through the house. "Shhh" my dad said as he followed behind her. I couldn't help but laugh as I made eye contact with Marshall as they made their way into the kitchen.

"Stephan, if your trying to be quiet for my girls, don't bother" Marshall said, "I can almost bet money that Lane is awake and bothering Hailie" he said as we heard the footsteps upstairs to confirm it. My parents made their way to the breakfast nook, as I poured them both a cup of coffee, "I didn't think she'd be awake so early" my mom said, as she caressed Tatum's cheek.

"This girl is up, like clockwork when it comes to her food" I said as I watched her intently smush blueberries in between her fingers before trying to hand it to Marshall. "Pancakes are kinda the thing around here, so I made them special for Tay. But I can make you something else for breakfast" I said as my dad shook his head. "Whatever you make is fine baby doll, you have more than enough going on today" my dad said as he took a sip of his coffee, and scrolled on his phone.

There was silence for a minute before before the girls made their way into the kitchen, "morning everyone!" Lane said as Matt followed behind her. "Morning" I said as I set a platter down on the table, "hey, y'all come and eat"

"Did you tell everyone else to come down too?" I asked as Lane nodded. "Hey, Av" Lane said as we made eye contact. "Yeah" I said as I started the water, to wash the dishes. "Everyone was talking last night an-" she said as I cocked an eyebrow, as she let out a small laugh. "Hear me out" she said as I pursed my lips.

"We all want you and dad's sole purpose to be Tay today" she said as I cleared my throat. "There are more than enough people to help get this party set up" she said. "Thank you" I said as my voice cracked, before she pulled me into her. "There's no need to thank us, you do so much for us" Lane said as she rubbed my back, trying to sooth me.

Marshall softly caressed my cheek, "how about we go for a walk, get some air?" he asked as I nodded, as he grabbed Tay from her highchair. So pajamas and all we were outside, taking a walk.

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