08 (part one)

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[MATURE] 18+

Marshall POV
A Few Days Later - May

I sighed, leaning over the soundboard frustrated. Nothing sounded right anymore, nothing made sense anymore. "How you been holding up, man" Denaun asked cautiously, as he sat next to me. I pressed my tongue to my cheek as I looked up, "I'm not"

"This shit is agonizing" I said as I let out a scoff. "We're simply coexisting, with a baby" I said as I shrugged. "But our routine hasn't changed much" I said as I chewed at my lip, trying to hide a small half smile. 

Denaun shook his head, "no, no don't tell me you're clinging on to that shit?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. "We still do everything that we did for one another, we still have our routine with Tatum" I said as I shrugged, "we still sleep in the same bed"

Denaun made eye contact real quick, "you guys still sleep in the same bed?" he asked catching an attitude. "I don't know man, there has to be more to this whole thing because if someone didn't wanna be with their spouse anymore they wouldn't be sharing a bed with them. They would have told them to get out" 

"I mean, not even all the fighting and and divorce shit with Kim affected you like this" he said as I let out a sigh, "cause that relationship was toxic and the outcome was predictable every time, I know this isn't Avery. Her and I's relationship is nothing like that" I said as I shook my head. 

"I am trying to be patient and understanding for Tatum, and the sake of my marriage" I said softly, "but going home and not being able to just hold her close to me, and tell her how much I love her pains me" I said as my voice cracked. Denaun grabbed my shoulder, "you know I'm here for you, whatever you need"


I walked into the apartment, noticing the lights were dimmed and the Marfa Tapes by Miranda Lambert were softly playing over the speakers. I set my keys down, as a small smile curved my lips as I saw Tatum sound asleep in her bassinet. "Av?" I whispered out. 

I walked toward the bedroom, leaning on the door frame as I felt the heat from the shower Avery had just taken. "Marshall!" Avery said, startled as she walked into the bedroom wrapped in nothing but a towel. "Yeah?" I asked, as I pressed my tongue to my cheek as she started to  stutter over her words.

"H- how long have you been home?" she asked as I shrugged, "long enough" I said as I walked toward her, pulling her into me causing the towel to fall to the floor as I pushed her bare breasts against my chest. 

 My anxiety eased as she gave in, as her lips melded into mine. "Marsh" she breathed, as our lips connected again, more sloppily this time. My hands roamed aimlessly as they grabbed her breasts, squeezing them slightly. God damn, did I want her. 

I didn't think we could get any closer to each other as I pulled her into me tighter, as our lips lingered on each others my hands traveled up her thighs. As laid her down, I found my way to her inner thighs teasingly kissing her core and feeling her wetness on my tongue. "Oh, fuck ma-" I moaned against her. There was no hesitation, I know she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. I quickly pulled down my jeans and boxers, wrapping her legs around my waist and pushing myself into her as we both let out quiet moans, as I started to thrust. The room was filled with the sound of sloppy kisses, heavy breathing and curse words.

In that moment, it was like all our problems were fixed, like nothing ever happened. I took a minute to admire Avery, the mother of my littlest baby girl. The woman that I would literally do anything for. 

I bit my lip trying to hide my smirk, but it felt good knowing I was the only one that could make her feel like this. Avery started to dig her nails into my back, letting me know she was close as my thrusts were getting slopping and inconsistent. There were simply no words, other than euphoric.

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