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TW: Abusive Relationship/ Overdose Discussion

Avery POV

The silence was deafening, but I had to pull everything I had left in me to keep my emotions somewhat together. I chewed at my lip, "Marsh, baby, talk to me" I said as he let out an annoyed sigh, "for what, for you to lie to me?" 

"And why didn't you tell me about any of that shit?" he asked as there was silence again, "i- it just didn't concern you" I said, immediately regretting the words that left my mouth. "I'm pretty sure if I found my wife, fucking dead on the floor cause she swallowed a bunch of pills because she didn't talk to me, is my concern Avery" Marshall said sternly.

"But I didn't do it, I'm still fucking here aren't I?" I asked, pressing my tongue to my cheek, "I'm sorry" I said as he pulled me into him tightly. "I can't loose you, especially to what almost took me out" he said as he pressed his lips to my skin. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had a previous miscarriage" I said softly, "I just, I don't like to talk about it"

"I can make us some tea, and we can discuss everything" I said as he nodded, and took a deep breath. I walked to the kitchen, prepping the water but as I did there was a silence in the apartment. "Avery" he said barely above a whisper, "yeah?"  

"You see the rings on your left hand?" he asked as I looked down, and nodded. "I bought them for you, that means that you no longer have to go through anything alone" he said softly. "I understand what you're about to tell me, was years before we ever got together but that doesn't mean it doesn't concern me" 

I slide Marshall's mug across the counter to him, "you already know I was engaged to Ryan" I said as he shrugged and nodded. "I got pregnant, and had a miscarriage" I said softly as I looked down, stirring my tea. Marshall furrowed his eyebrows, "so young?" he asked as there was another silence, "did he hurt you?" 

"Marsh" I said barely above a whisper. "Some people are just really good at hiding who they really are, and they've perfected their lies but behind closed doors that's not who they really are" I said softly. "No one knew I was pregnant, he didn't even believe it was his" I said as Marshall rolled his eyes. 

"The morning the miscarriage happened, I couldn't have been more than a couple weeks along" I said as I shrugged, "I was in the bathroom most of the morning sick to my stomach and he was screaming his head off about being late for work" I said. "I apologized a couple of times, but he didn't care" 

"He grabbed me by the arm, tugging me out of bathroom. I begged him to stop but that only made him angrier" I said, "he proceeded to kick me in the back, as I tried my best to cover my stomach" I said as I chewed at my lip. "But when I started to bleed, I didn't know what to do" I said, "and when I got to the hospital I didn't even have an answer as to why I was loosing my baby" I said as my voice cracked. 

Marshall cleared his throat, "Samantha and Mark don't even know, till this day?" he asked as I shook my head, "I made myself look like the bad guy to everyone for leaving, what he made look like a perfect relationship" 

"But you saved yourself" Marshall said as he got up and walked over to me, pulling me into him again. "Please know, no matter what we're going through that I would never lay my hands on you Avery" 

"I don't care what you know about my past, I don't care what you hear from my music, I don't care" I said, "I'm telling you under no circumstance would I do that, or let someone else do that in front of me" 

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