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Avery POV
One week later

I could feel my heart beat, pound for pound as I sat and anticipated my therapy session. I had no idea what we were going to talk about, and today Marshall insisted on coming with me. All that together, only intensified my anxiety. 

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened, "Avery, how're you feeling?" Mr. Breams asked as he walked in and took a seat. I let out a small sigh, before the door opened, again, and Marshall walked in. "I'm so sorry, that was our kids. I'm Marshall" he said as he extended his hand for Mr. Breams to shake. But I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "i- is everything okay?" I asked softly. 

He nodded, "everything is under control, baby" he said as he pressed a kiss to my forehead, and sat next to me on the couch. I watched as Mr. Breams became silent, as he was in aw of Marshall just for simply existing. Interactions like this always made me laugh, because Marshall was just like anyone else. 

"Mr. Mathers, I am a huge fan of yours" Mr. Breams said as he tried to contain his excitement. I rolled my eyes as Marshall nodded, "I greatly appreciate my following, without them I wouldn't be where I am today" he said, "but with all due respect, that's not why I'm in your office today" 

Mr. Breams cleared his throat as he nodded, "of course" he said softly. "Avery, today's session is going to build off of last weeks session" he said as I felt my stomach turn. "What made you reach out to Dr. Greene, what made you think you had postpartum depression?" 

I sighed, "the exhaustion and anxiety skyrocketed in the first week or so, but I just blamed that on giving birth and bringing a newborn home" I said, "but as the weeks went on, nothing seemed to get better. It felt like they were spiraling out of control" 

"I was also crying all the time, I was angry for no reason and I just felt so fucking lonely" I said as Mr. Breams jotted stuff down on his notepad. "Being in the public eye, is not the easiest thing thing either" I said, "I felt like everyone had something to say about Tatum, about Marshall and I or what I was doing as a new mom" 

Marshall cleared his throat, "from the outside looking in, she just wasn't herself" he said, "she was distant towards everyone, made rash decisions" he said as Mr. Breams furrowed his eyebrows, "Avery, did you ever think about hurting yourself?" 

There was a silence, "baby, you wouldn't do that" Marshall said as he grazed his fingers along my skin. "I- I thought about it, once, I dug through the medicine cabinet looking for anything that I could find" 

Marshall pursed his lips as he tried to hold back tears, "I also made the rash decision to leave my husband for a week or two, so I wasn't thinking straight" I said as I shook my head, "that wasn't me" I said as I fumbled with my wedding rings. 

"Alright, uh" Mr. Breams said, "one more thing before we wrap up today's session, did you notice any postpartum feelings like this with your last two miscarriages?" he asked as Marshall quickly furrowed his eyebrows. "She's only been pregnant one other time" he said as I chewed at my lip. 

God, I felt nauseated. 

"In her chart history, it says she had a miscarriage in 2016" Mr. Breams said as I avoided making eye contact with Marshall.

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