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Avery POV
January, 2023 - Back in Texas

"Hey, how you been feeling?" I asked Sam as I walked into the boutique, setting a coffee down in front of her. She shook her head and pushed it away, "nauseous and like I was run over by a truck" she said as she rested her head in her hands. I let out a small laugh, "well, welcome to motherhood" I said before taking a sip of my coffee.

"I don't remember your nausea being that bad" she said as I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "I think you have pregnancy brain" I said as I shook my head. "Both pregnancies, I was pretty sick and the heartburn was atrocious"

"But I remember you eating all sorts of stuff" Sam said as she shook her head, "I can't even look at half the shit you ate, let alone eat it" she said as I rolled my eyes. "Just because I ate it, doesn't mean I didn't regret it after" I said as I shrugged. "I promise you'll make it through, and you won't even think twice about it when you're holding that baby"

"I know" she said, "Mark is literally counting down the days" she said as she let out a small smile. "This is what y'all been waiting for" I said as I pulled her into a hug, "you two are gonna be the best parents" I said as she let out a sigh.

"I need to talk to you" she said as I interrupted her, "are you about to get all emotional, cause I wasn't prepared for that" I whined as she rolled her eyes. "Oh, hush" she said as I let out a laugh, teasing her. Sam cleared her throat, "before I was interrupted" she said.

"Besides Mark, you are who I consider family. You are my best friend, and I will literally go to the ends of the earth for you" she said as my eyes started to water. "Y- you know I would do the same for y'all, and that baby" I said softly.

She nodded, "which is why I know I don't have to ask, cause I already know the answer" she said, "will you be the baby's god mother?" she asked as I pulled her into a tight hug. "A thousand percent, yes" I said excitedly.


"I've been meaning to run a new launch by you, and get your opinion" Sam said as she started to unpack the take out. "Okay, run it by me" I said as I dug into my lo mein noodles. "I was thinking now that we'll both have babies, either a limited time mommy and me collection, or a baby line" she said as we made eye contact, as noddles hung from my mouth.

"Yes!" I said with my mouth still full as she let out a laugh. "I know its not an original idea, but after looking online for countless hours, I realized there aren't that many cute options for a baby boy" she said as I nodded.

"Well, I love the idea. I think we should run with it" I said as I continued to eat. "Maybe before you head back to Michigan we can go to market, and look around at some samples" said said before shoving chicken in her mouth. I cleared my throat, "yeah, about that" I said softly.

"We need to talk about something" I said before shoving another forkful of lo mein into my mouth. Sam quickly furrowed her eyebrows, "o- oh my god, are you pregnant?" she asked as a smile crept across her face. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "n- no, I wanted to discuss managing the boutique with you, and kinda what the future holds"

"I, I'm not following" she said innocently. I nodded, "I know when we opened the store we went half, equally. But I want to take a step back and give you more ownership" I said softly waiting for her to respond. She shook her head, "it was never about the money, or the ownership Avery. I just wanted to be apart of something with you"

"In the last three years we've more than doubled as a company and I couldn't be more proud to have you as a business partner" she said, "I don't want more ownership, I want the same ownership, with you by my side"

There was a silence before I let out a small sigh, "was this Marshall's idea?" she asked as she bit her lip, without finishing her sentence. I furrowed my eyebrows, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I know Marshall better than that"

I cleared my throat, "I- I wanna try and have another baby" I said as I walked out of the kitchen and into the guest bedroom, shutting the door behind me. "Av- Avery" Sam called out as she followed behind me. "Please, talk to me" she said as she knocked at the door.

"No" I replied back. "Please" she asked again as I sighed, "I think we've done enough talking for today" I said as a few tears streamed down my cheek. "Avery James, please open the door" she asked again, before I rolled to the edge of the bed to get up and unlock the door.

"You're really thinking of having another baby?" she asked as she leaned on the doorway. I shrugged, "Marshall and I have been going back and forth on the idea since Tay was a couple months old" I said. "We agreed, if it happened then it happened but I can't stop thinking about another baby" I said as Sam pulled me into her, "you know I love you and all your craziness"

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