14 (part two)

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a/n: I'm sorry for the unusually slow updates, writers block sucks :( 

Avery POV
June, 2022

I sighed and rested my head back on the seat, "everything okay?" Marshall asked, taking his eyes off the road for a split second. I nodded, as soft ballads from Miranda Lambert's album, Palomino, covered the silence. "I think I'm gonna call Sam, and check on Tatum" I said as I went to grabbed my phone. 

"Avery, you just called not ten minutes ago" Marshall said softly, as we quickly made eye contact.

"So?" I questioned as he let out a sigh. "I want this to be a learning experience for both you and Sam" he said as I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" I asked as I crossed my arms. 

"You know her and Mark have been trying to convince for a while now. And we both understand that it doesn't come easy" he said, "but I think allowing them to spend the whole weekend with Tay, as if they were the parents, will help them understand the reality of a baby" 

I shrugged, "I see where you're coming from" I said. "And for you, this weekend, is hopefully going to show you that its okay to let yourself be child free sometimes. And let the people around you help you. I only want the best for you" 

"I love you" I said softly.  "You more" Marshall said as he intertwined my fingers with his, bringing them up to his lips. "Now, will you play a road game with me?" he asked as he let out a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. I pursed my lips, "only if you tell me what I wanna know" 

He let out a exaggerated sighed, "fine" he said, "so, back in the day, Big Daddy Kane use to be a ghostwriter for Biz Markie.." he said as I interrupted him. "Marshall!" I said as he let out a laugh, and chewed at his lip. 

"We're only twenty minutes out baby, just a little longer" he said as I rolled my eyes, "what game do you wanna play?" I asked. "The license plate game"  Marshall said, in all seriousness.

"Okay, you go first" I said as there was silence between us. 

"Louisiana!!" Marshall yelled out as I furrowed my eyebrows, "why the hell you gotta yell?" I asked as he let out a laugh. "Cause, I wanna win" he said as he shrugged. 

"Oklahoma" I said as I looked out the window, focusing on the cars around us.




I let out a gasp as we drove down a small town main street, "baby, we're in Fredericksburg!" I said. Marshall nodded, "you excited?" he asked as we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, putting the car in park.

I nodded as he grabbed the bags from the backseat, and took my hand in his as I followed behind him. "Checking in for Mathers" I heard him say as he walked up to the front desk as I stepped away to make a phone call. 

One ring, two rings, three rings. Now I was getting anxious. 

"Hello?" Sam said as she answered the facetime. "How's Tay?" I asked softly, "can I see her?" 

"She's hanging with the best of them" she said as she flipped the camera around, seeing Tay was laying on Mark's chest sleeping. I let out a small laugh, "was she fussin'?" I asked. Mark glared at the camera, "fussin' ain't the word Avery, your daughter was screaming at the top of her lungs" he said as I let out a small laugh. 

"The only way we even got her to calm down was to lay her on Mark's chest" Sam said as I nodded, "you can thank Marshall for that, that's his favorite way to hold her" I said before feeling a hand snake around my waist, causing me to jump. "I see she snuck off to call" Marshall said as he pressed a kiss to my head. 

"She just wanted to check on Tay" Sam said as she turned the camera back to Mark and Tatum. I could feel Marshall's grip tighten on me, "she was fussing, wasn't she?" he asked softly as Sam nodded. Tatum started to stir in her sleep, probably recognizing our voices. 

"Do not wake this girl up" Sam said as she raised her eyebrow, "y'all go fun, but not to much fun" she said as I let out a laugh. "Samantha, there are no promises that Avery won't come home pregnant" Marshall said as my face flushed, before he hung up the phone. I chewed at my lip, as Marshall took my hand in his, leading me to our room. 


As we walked in, we dropped our bags at our feet, "come here baby" he said as he sat on the edge of the bed, pulling me into him. My body eased as I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into Marshall's neck taking in the moment. 

"What's our plans, Mathers?" I questioned playfully. "Whatever you wanna do baby" he said as his lips lingered over my skin. I let out a small laugh, "yeah?" I asked as I felt a smile form in the midst of him, sloppily leaving kisses wherever he pleased. 

"Mhm" he moaned, tangling his fingers in my hair. "Can we go for a walk around Main Street, maybe get some dinner after?" I asked as I ran my hand over Marshall's beard as a small smile came across his face. "If that's what mama wants, that's what mama gets" he said as he tucked some loose hair behind my ear. 

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