Bonus Chapter - It's A..

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a/n: disregard that on "Avery's Insta post" I put that the new baby would be born 2024. that was a typo, its supposed to be 2023

Marshall POV
About a month later - July, 2023

"Tatum Grace, everything is okay" I said as she clung to me, crying. "You're just gonna stay with Aunt Sam for a few hours" I said as I tried to sooth her, before she paused on crying and cocked an eyebrow as I tried my best to hide the laughter.

"Look, lala's here too" I said as I pointed to Lane, as I wiped the tears off her cheeks before she nestled her head into the crook of my neck again. I continuously kissed on her cheeks, not wanting to leave her upset but I had to go. "Let's go play, I think Evy and Matt are in the backyard" Lane said excitedly as she took her from my arms.

"Tay, you want a snack?" Sam asked as she walked out with Tatum's favorite yogurt melts, and all the wrong in her world was right again. "Marshall whatever you do just make sure that Avery doesn't come to my house till this afternoon" she said as I nodded, hopping back into the car and backing out of the driveway.

The day had come, we were finding out the gender of our second child - technically third child together. Every expecting parents, myself included, will tell you that they don't care the gender of their baby. They just want the baby to be happy and healthy, and that's more than accurate.

But today I never wanted to know an answer more.

More times than not, the scenario of the miscarriage plays over and over in my head. I wonder if the situation could have played out differently. I wonder what that little bean would have been, a boy or a girl.  I wonder what we would have name them. I think about how we would have had an almost three year old.

I clear my throat, trying to push away the tears that were trying to forms as I pulled into the coffee shop drive through, "good morning, what can we get started for you today?" they said over the intercom as I glanced down at my phone. "I actually have a mobile order, for Marshall" I said. "Yes sir, the iced vanilla latte" he said as he handed it to me. "Thank you" I said as I threw a few bucks into the tip jar before heading home.

As I pulled into the apartment complex, and headed up to the apartment I tried taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down but I was anxious to see Avery - like first date anxious. I felt like I couldn't get into the apartment fast enough to see her. But I could swear, in that moment, everything fell into place all over again when I saw her sleeping so peacefully.

"Avery" I said as I brushed my nose against hers, before running my hand along her bump. Her eyebrows furrowed as she rustled in the blankets trying to unravel herself. "Good morning" I said as she let out a small sleepy smile as I pulled on her twisted blankets. "Morning" she said in her raspy morning voice, as I pushed some hair out of her face. "I got you something" I said as I reached over, and grabbed her coffee as her eyes lit up. "Oh" she said as she sat up quickly and kissed my cheek, "I love you" she said as she took the cup from my hands and took a sip. "You more" I said as I watched her, admired her.

I cleared my throat, "how does breakfast sound to you?" I asked as she scrunched her nose up at me, the way Tatum does. "Depends, does that mean pancakes?" she asked as I watched her barely contain her excitement. I let out a small laugh. "I will make you whatever you're craving" I said as I reached out for her hand, helping her up, as she followed me into the kitchen. I started to rummage through the cabinets grabbing whatever ingredients I needed to make pancakes, and started to mix the batter. She let out a small sigh and rested her head in her hands, "whats the matter baby?" I asked. "This apartment brings back a lot of memories" she said as she glanced around the apartment, and so did I.

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