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Marshall POV
March 12, 2022

Marshall POVMarch 12, 2022

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Avery POV

"Good morning Mrs. Mathers" my nurse said as she opened the door quietly, "don't mind me, I'm just gonna take down your vitals for the morning" she said as I nodded, and ran my hand through my bedhead.

"How you feeling this morning, honey?" she asked as I let out a sigh, "I'm okay" I said as she let out a small smile. "Am I able to take a shower, today?" I asked curiously. She nodded, "as long as you feel steady enough to stand, either myself or your husband can help you"

I nodded, "okay" I said softly as Marshall and I made eye contact as he walked back in the room, with breakfast. "Did you want baby girl to come hang out in the nursery at all?" she asked as Marshall shook his head, "no, thank you though"

"Alright, well, let us know if you guys need anything" she said before heading out of the room.

Marshall cleared his throat, "she's not leaving this room without either one of us, and James is guarding the door" he said before there was a silence between us. "Y-you hungry?" he asked as he brought the hospital try closer to the bed. I scrunched my nose up, shaking my head. "Not really" I said as I let out a laugh before there was a soft knock at the door.

"Everyone awake?" I heard Lane's voice as she opened the door. A small smile came across Marshall's face, as he walked over to them with the baby in his arms.

"Did you guys decide on her name yet?" Hai asked as Marshall and I looked at each other. He nodded, trying to contain his excitement, "Tatum Grace"



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Later That Day

The hospital room was illuminated from the light of the tv. All I could see was Marshall's outline as he was sleep on the makeshift couch, and Tatum who was sleeping soundly in the bassinet.

I flipped through tv channels, scrolled through my phone and counted the ceiling tiles but I just couldn't fall asleep. I let out a small sight before there was a soft knock on the door and a nurse came in, "Mrs. Mathers?" she asked.

I nodded, giving her a tired smile, "are you here for more vitals, or blood?" I asked softly. She shook her head, "I wanted to come by and see how you were recovering, and also congratulate you on your baby girl" she said, trying her best to not wake Marshall.

I nodded, "you look familiar" I said as Marshall let out a deep sigh. "Babe, everything okay?" he asked, barely above a whisper as he sat up. The nurse cleared her throat, "I'm Anna, I'm the head nurse on the labor and delivery unit but I was the one that helped you deliver your baby this morning"

Emotion came over me, "I can't thank you enough for what you did, truly" I said softly as Anna's face turned red. "I've been a nurse for over twenty years. I was simply doing what I love" she said, "there's need to thank me"

"w- what even happened?" I asked curiously before there was a silence, "I felt this uneasiness, something drew me to your room this morning" she said. "Your baby's cord was wrapped around her neck, and her shoulder was stuck that's why you were having such a hard time pushing"

"There was no way you were going to be able to get her out without someone rotating her like I did" Ana said as she shoved her hands in her pockets. "If I didn't come into that room and assess the situation like I did, it could have been a very different outcome for the both of you"

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