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Marshall POV

I pulled up to the apartment building, putting the car in park as I leaned over the console to tuck a few loose pieces of hair behind Avery's ear. She softly sighed and opened her eyes, giving me a crooked little smile. "Where are we?" Avery asked, in her raspy sleepy voice.

"We're home baby" I said as she let out a yawn and stretched her arms, before running her hand through her messy curls as she got out of the car. "I can't wait to squish my girl" she said with a small laugh, as she pinched her nose up. I shook my head, "she's probably sleeping, its her nap time" I said. "So?" Avery said exaggerating her words.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "your not supposed to wake up a sleeping baby" I said as Avery shrugged disregarded everything I said. "Avery, head on up to the apartment. I'll grab everything" I said as I opened the truck. "You sure?" she asked as she leaned against the car. I nodded, "I'm sure, baby" I said as I hovered over her, kissed her softly before she walked away, as I watched in admiration. 

I broke eye contact from watching her as the persistent ringing from the car continued. I sighed and grabbed my phone from the middle console, seeing Hai's name across the screen, "hello?" I said as I answered the face time. "Hey dad!" she said on the other end of the phone.

"Hey baby girl, what's up?"

She shrugged, "just wondering what you guys are up to" she said as I let out a small scoff, "you bored or something?" I asked as she shook her head and pulled Wolfe into the frame. "I just, miss you guys" she said as I let out a sigh, "I haven't seen Tatum since she was like a month old, and sometimes pictures and face times, don't cut it" 

I chewed at my lip, "that's understandable, you have every reason to feel like that. But you know Avery and I had some stuff to sort out, before we could come back to Michigan" I said as she nodded. "The apartment is kinda crammed, but if you and Lane wanna come out and spend some time we could make it work" 

"Really?" Hai asked, as I nodded. A smile came across her face, "love you dad" 

"Love you baby, I will call you later tonight so we could talk more about this" I said before hanging up and heading up to the apartment. I sighed as I walked into the apartment, dropping the bags to the floor, as Avery came out of the bedroom with Tatum in her arms fully awake. 

"You woke her up, didn't you?" I asked, as I kissed on Tatum. Avery pursed her lips, "uh no, she was already awake" she said as she sat on the couch, as Mark shook his head. "That's a fucking lie" he said as he plopped down on the couch. "Where's Sam?" I asked. 

"Boutique, we got a shipment today and she needed to be there to sign for it" I said. "Speaking of, I told her when you got here, I would head there to help with the boxes" Mark said as he got up, "call if you need us" he said before heading out. 

 Avery quickly turned her attention to Tatum, "did you miss mama?" she asked her, as she peppered her with kisses. Tatum gave her a small gummy smile back, and Avery continued to repeat the cycle of baby talk and kisses. 

I watched Avery from the kitchen as I let out a small smile, "she missed daddy, more" I said as I took Tatum in my arms and kissed her as she let out a soft coo, almost like a laugh. "Did you hear that?" I asked as I looked over to Avery quickly. 

She nodded, "was that a laugh?" she asked, "do it again, whatever you did" she said as she hit my chest repeatedly. I laid Tatum on the couch as I hovered over her, kissing her face as she reached out for my beard. She made the same sound again, "She's laughing, my beard is tickling her" I said as I laughed, as I picked up Tatum and cradled her in my arms. 

There was a small silence, "Avery, can we talk about something, that's been weighting on my mind for a minute?" I asked. She nodded, "okay" she said. I cleared my throat, "do you ever think about having another baby?" I asked as I nervously played with my wedding band. 

Silence. Avery cleared her throat, but still didn't answer.


Avery POV

"Another baby?" I questioned as Marshall nodded. "I know Tay is only a couple months old, but I can't help but feel like our family isn't complete yet" he said as he shrugged. 

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked up, making eye contact with Marshall, "what?" I asked curiously as he sighed, "I don't know. I don't know how to put the feeling into words" he said as he shook his head, fumbling with his wedding band.

I sighed, "the whole, having a baby thing hasn't been the easiest thing for either of us" I said as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "When we got pregnant the first time, it was unexpected but so was the miscarriage. And we dealt with it the best we could, but it was the best we could" 

"Tay's birth was traumatizing, and the whole postpartum thing nearly destroyed our relationship. We're finally in a good place" I said softly. "Yeah" Marshall said as he cleared his throat. "Marsh, I'm not trying to be selfish or tell you no either, I just" I said as he cut me off, "I understand Avery" he said as he gave me a small sympathetic smile that tugged on my heart strings.

I always found it amusing how people perceived Marshall as this harsh, miserable person who cared about no one. But he was just the opposite, no doubt he did do some questionable stuff in his younger days but he righted his wrongs and would now be there at any given moment when his people needed him the most.

Marshall cupped my face pressing his lips against mine, "I love you with every fucking fiber in my body, and I would do anything to give you another baby" he said softly. I could feel my heart skin to the bottom of my body, "I love you" I said as my voice cracked a little bit.

We were both in vulnerable states, showing emotions about a situation that could so drastically change our family dynamic.

"We can talk about this a different time, when you're ready. Maybe when Tay is a little older" he said taking his chin in his hand, trying to cover up his emotion about the situation. "Yeah, maybe" I said as I shrugged.

Marshall pushed some loose hair behind my ear as I traced his tattoos up and down his arms as I collected my thoughts, "I also think, we shouldn't try this time around, you know?" I asked as Marshall furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean, baby?" he asked softly. I shrugged, "if it happens it happens, if it doesn't then maybe it wasn't meant for us" 

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