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a/n: after everything I've written for these two, this chapter was the most upsetting and gut wrenching to write :(

TW: Postpartum Depression, Splitting up

Marshall POV

I scrolled through my phone, trying to be as still as possible before Tatum stirred in her sleep on my chest. I gently rubbed her back and pulled her into me as she calmed, falling back asleep. I sighed, as I looked down at my daughter wondering how the fuck this situation spiral like this. 

I heard keys jingle and turn in the lock before the door opened, and Avery walked in before we made eye contact with each other. Nothing was said, but I got up setting Tatum down in her bassinet before attempting a conversation. 

I cleared my throat, "h- how was work?" I asked softly as she shrugged, "alright, how was Tatum?" she asked, barely above a whisper. A small smile curved my lips, "perfect, as always" I said as my stare never left Avery. I watched as she walked over to the bassinet, before walking to the bedroom. 

I furrowed my eyebrows as I started to follow behind her, "really?" I asked as Avery looked at me scattered, "what, I'm just gonna take a shower" she said softly. I shook my head, letting out a small scoff, "what happened to us?" 

"What are you talking about?" she asked confused. "Us, Avery" I said as I chewed at my lip, as I shoved my hands in my pocket, finally reaching my breaking point. "You remember when you used to be excited to see me, you remember when we couldn't keep our hands off each other?"

"Now it looks like the sight of me make you sick" I said as I shrugged, "You barely acknowledge me, its like you don't want me around" I said on the verge of tears. Silence and tension filled the air before Avery let out a sigh, "I think we should take a break, Marshall" 

Unable to get any words out, I shook my head. 

Avery looked down as tears started to fall, "i- is there someone else?" I asked as my voice cracked, and I started to stumble over my words. She shook her head, "then I don't understand" I said softly. "We have a life together, w- we have a daughter together" I said as I put my head in my hands.

"I gave you the best version of myself Avery" 

"Marshall" she said softly as I pulled her into me, "don't do this" I said as tears streamed harder down my face. "What about Tatum, she's only a couple of weeks old" I asked, softly wiping the wetness from Avery's face. 

"I won't keep her from you" she said as I shook my head, "don't keep yourself from me" I said as before walking out to the living room. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I felt like I could cry and scream at the top of my lungs. With everything in me I wanted to drop to my knees and beg Avery not to do this. 

I tried to wrap my head around what the fuck just happened as I sighed, leaning over Tatum's bassinet as tears streamed down my face. I watched her sleep as my heart ached knowing everything was unknown at this moment in time, but I was determined for Avery and I to be together. I wasn't going to let another marriage end and let another daughter see her parents apart.

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