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Avery POV
A Few Weeks Later

Avery POVA Few Weeks Later

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"Hailie, are you sure about this?" I asked nervously as I sat down in the chair, as the bright lights faced us. She nodded, "Lane did it, and everyone loved seeing her" she said as I nervously played with my wedding rings. "I'd really rather see Brit in this chair than me, and you know that" I said as I sat back and chewed at my lip. 

"Brit had a family thing, but you'll be fine" Hailie said, "just pretend you're talking to me" she said as she got ready to press record. "You ready?" she asked as I nodded, "as ready as I'll ever be" I said as I took a deep breath. "Welcome back to Just a Little Shady Podcast" Hailie said as we started to record, "as you guys can see we have no Brit this week but we do have, uh, my stepmom?" she said as she looked over to me as we both let out a laugh. 

"I mean, technically?" I said as I shrugged. "If you don't know already, Avery is married to my dad" she said before she paused, as I nodded. "We never went about it that way, because we're all so close in age" I said, trying to hide the redness on my face. "I know alot of people basically want the inside scoop on your's and dad's relationship, and I'm sure we'll talk about it later" she said, "but I wanna talk about what your life was like pre- Mathers" she said as I let out a small laugh. 

"Okay" I said continuing to hide my face. "Really Av, I don't know if people actually realize that you still come from a relatively famous family" she said as I nodded. "Yeah, so, for anyone who doesn't know I am the granddaughter of the Jones' family" 

"And the Junior EVP for the Cowboys" I said, doing my best to keep eye contact with Hailie as she nodded. "Honestly, I thought dad was a workaholic but when you came into the picture you definetly gave him a run for his money" she said, "like, you guys don't understand" she said as I rolled my eyes. "And where did you go to school?" Hailie asked as I cleared my throat, "I went to the University of Arkansas, majoring in business management and minoring in finance" 

"Were you ever in a sorority?" she asked as I nodded, "I was, Kappa Delta" I said as her eyes widened. "Shut up, how has this never come up before?" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. I shrugged, "what happens at college, stays at college" I said as I grabbed my water, taking a sip. 

"So" Hailie said as we made eye contact, "there not really a way around talking about dad, and Tay" she said as she glanced up from her computer. I shrugged, "I kinda figured, it comes with the territory" I said as she nodded. "For many years your dad's life was public for everyone to know" I said, "the good, the bad, and everything in between"

"But when things became more stable, your dad became a lot more private and more reserved" I said, "and its not that we don't want to ever share our lives, but we loved keeping it private for so long" I said as Hailie pursed her lips. "Honestly, you guys blindsided social media with an engagement" she said as I nodded and let out a laugh. "But to give you and dad the benefit of the doubt, both of you shy away from social media as much as possible" 

"There are time where these two don't even know their trending" Hailie said as I covered my face. "I- I'm gonna try and blame it on becoming a mom" I said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. She shook her head, "no, no, you were doing that way before you even had Tay" she said as we started to laugh harder. "Speaking of Tay, let me check on her" I said as I grabbed my phone, checking the baby monitor. 

"We have referenced Tay or Tatum few times in this episode, if you didn't know, my dad and Avery do have a daughter together who is eight months old" Hailie said as I nodded, "I may be a little biased because I'm her mother, but she's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen" I said as she nodded in agreement. "I agree, I will be honest I don't see much of dad right now. She's all you" 

I nodded, "definetly has more of my mannerisms too" I said. "She also has the chunkiest little cheeks and these little thigh rolls that everyone loves to squeeze" Hailie said as I let out a small laugh, "she's on the move now, she'll lose all that" I said softly. "You know the other day dad happen to pull out some albums, and was comparing pictures of Tay and I and, one, I didn't realize how much we actually compliment each other" 

I nodded, "literally the first thing anyone said to me after she was born, was that she looked exactly like you when you were a baby" I said. "That's, interesting" she said as she furrowed her eyebrows. "And second, I didn't realize how chunky I was as a baby" she said as I busted out laughing. 

"What's your experience like, as a first time mom?" Hailie asked as I cleared my throat, "well, you know when Tay was born I struggled with postpartum depression and it caused a lot of riffs and obstacles in mine and your dad's relationship" I said as she nodded. "We were both really struggling to understand what the root problem even was" I said as I let out a small sigh. "But I think its important to be vocal about your needs" 

"But patience and communicating with your partner goes a long way" I said, "if it wasn't for your dad's patience, our situation could have been totally different" I said as Hailie nodded. "What about Tatum's milestones?" she asked, "Thanksgiving was an interesting one for sure" she said as I rolled my eyes. 

"She says a few words, mama and dada" I said, "a couple weeks ago was her first Thanksgiving, we had some much needed family time and Tay almost gave mommy and daddy a heart attack" I said as Hailie let out a laugh. "The first of many" she said as I shook my head, "it literally happened so fast" I said defensively. 

"Everyone was getting dinner ready while Tay was hanging out on her playmat, so we thought, but home girl decided that was her moment" I said, "she decided she was gonna take off and crawl while no one was looking" I said as I let out a sigh. "She was trying to add a little excitement to Thanksgiving" Hailie said as she couldn't contain her laughing. 

"Alright, I'm done teasing you" she said, "before we end the podcast I wanna go back to dad for a second" she said as I nodded. "What is your take on you and dad'a relationship, and posting each other?" she asked.

I cleared my throat, "I mean your dad and I are still pretty private, but in some aspects of our life we love to share with everyone, we are more than proud to overshare, for instance our daughter or our accomplishments. But then there are things we don't share because, maybe we don't want to because that's for us to keep private, and the world doesn't have to see it" I said softly as Hailie nodded, "I one hundred percent agree"

"Thanks for talking with me, Av" she said as I let out a small smile, "thanks for having me, I hope everyone enjoys us rambling on for 40 minutes"

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