31 (part two)

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Marshall POV

"You sure you're okay, baby?" I asked Avery, calling her for about the tenth time since I landed in California. She nodded and let out a small tired smile, "Marsh I'm fine, its just a few sniffles" she said as I anxiously ran my hand over my beard. "If you need anything, call Lane" I said as she nodded, "where's Tay, can I see her?" I asked before she panned the camera around to Tatum drinking her bottle. 

I let out a small sigh, "baby girl" I said as her eyes were half closed, "is she feeling any better?" I asked, hoping there was a little relief for her. "She just got a warm bath to help with the congestion, and a full bottle" Avery said as I let out a small chuckle, "that girl should be passed out here in about twenty five seconds" I said as Avery nodded. 

"Other than that, we've just been snuggling and playing" she said as I couldn't help but be a little jealous. "I wish I was home" I said as I chewed at my lip, "Marshall" Avery said sternly as she panned the camera back to her. We made eye contact, "I love you, I promise you I have everything under control" she said as I ran my hand over my beard. "And if I feel like I don't, I will ask for some help" she said softly. 


"Marsh, what's good?" Dre said as he let out a wide smile, leaning on the door frame of the lounge area. I nodded not really paying any mind, "why do you not look excited to be here, man?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Avery and I forced him to be here tonight, so he's not to thrilled right now" Hailie said as he cocked an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"Avery and Tay are sick, and he didn't wanna leave them" Hailie said as Dre nodded, "well, he's just being stubborn as usual. But you guys got him here" he said as Paul walked into the lounge. 

"Thankfully, I was having a flashback to the two thousand and three Oscars" Paul said as Hailie let out a small laugh. "Hey, hey, I wouldn't laugh" Dre said, "the only reason he even missed that was to be home with you, same as what he's trying to do here, to be home with Tatum" 

"But Avery would never let him miss his own induction, he was going to be here with or without her" Hailie said softly. I nodded as I pursed my lips. "Do you know what baby girl has?" Dre asked as I cleared my throat, "they swabbed her for everything they could think of" I said, "they told us she just has a regular cold" I said as I shoved my hands in my pockets. 

"Look, Marsh, I know its not fun seeing Tay not feel good" Paul said, "and I know you hate the fact that you're here, states away. But tonight you're making your legacy permanent, for your daughters and for the people who love you" he said. "I promise you, after tonight I will get you back to Michigan so by tomorrow morning you can be holding your baby girl" 


"Marsh, come on" Paul waved me on as we walked to be seated for the ceremony. I nodded, "I just wanna call and check on Avery" I said as I dialed her number, "it just keeps ringing" I said as the unavailable screen came up. "Maybe her and Tay are sleeping" Hailie said as she followed behind me. I shrugged, "maybe, but I just wanna talk to her before all the craziness happens" I said as I kept eye contact with my phone. 

"I will keep an eye out for a text, or call from her. I promise you'll get to talk to her" Hailie said before everything went dark. As the ceremony went on my mind drifted, and everyone's voices faded into the background. Even if my life depended on it, I'd be fucked, I couldn't tell you what was going on - and it was about me. I was thinking about Avery and Tatum, and I was anxiously waiting to for my call back. 

I heard the crowd cheer, and the spotlight on the stage centered to the podium as Dre walked out ready for his speech. "Alright so, when I was getting ready to prepare this speech, I asked Em, if there was anything specific he wanted me to say to everybody tonight, something he would like everyone to know" he said, before there was a pause, "and he said, okay um, tell everyone I have a huge penis" Dre said as the crowd busted out laughing as Hai hit me on the shoulder. I shrugged and let out a chuckle, "anyway, its time to get serious, so twenty years ago Jimmy Lovine , who is also an inductee tonight, played a demo tape for me from some guy named Eminem"

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