Bonus Chapter - The Koch Family

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Avery POV
June 2023

"Hey, Avery" Aubrey called out as we continued to straighten up the sales floor, "yeah?" I said nonchalantly. "When do you think Sam will have the baby?" she asked as she followed behind me, pricing items around the store. I shrugged, "I don't know, we're on that little boy's time now"

"When I was pregnant with Tay, she was a week and a half past her due date" I said as Aubrey furrowed her eyebrows, "no freaking way" she said as I nodded. "These babies will keep you on your toes before their even born" I said as the door to the store opened, "ma-ma" Tatum yelled out as Marshall walked in with her on his hip.

"Hey, baby girl" I said as I smothered her with kisses as she kicked her feet excitedly. "You hungry?" Marshall asked as he plopped down a bag of Chick Fil A on the counter. I furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't think that should even be a question at this point" I said as he ran his hand along my bump, that had finally popped. I dug into the bag, pulling everything out as Tatum reached out too. "You want some fries, baby?" I asked her, as I handed her a fry as she took it, taking a bite or two.

"I bet y'all can't wait to find out what that little peanut is" Aubrey said as she leaned across the counter, "are you gonna find out the gender?" she asked. I stopped mid chew, trying to swallow my mouthful of chicken. "I- I don't know, I think I want to wait until the baby's born" I said as I looked back at Marshall, as he cocked an eyebrow.

"But if you we're going to find out, how much longer?" Aubrey asked as I could feel myself getting irritated. I was being talked over, and overlooked. I shrugged, "probably another month, or so?" I said as Marshall nodded, "just about" he said as he pushed some loose hair behind my ear.

"Y'all wanting a boy, or girl?" she asked as Marshall cleared his throat, "we're wanting a healthy baby" he said as he grazed his hand along my bump, before running his hand across my lower back. "Have you heard from Mark, or Samantha?" he asked as he intently watched Tatum. I shook my head and let out a sigh.

"I've called and texted them, the only thing I haven't done is show up to their house" I said as Marshall let out a small laugh, "I'm surprised you haven't done that yet" he said softly. "I'm just trying to give them a little space you know, maybe they are trying to soak up their last bit of alone time" I said as Marshall pressed his tongue to his cheek.

"You and I did that before Tay was born" he said, "do I need to remind you of the night of the Superbowl, in the hotel?" he whispered in my ear, as my face flushed. "Marshall" I said as he shot me a wink, before my phone started to ring. Mark's name came up across the screen. I quickly grabbed it, answering the call as the facetime connected.

"Mark, what the hell dude?" I said, "the two of you have been ignoring me for days now" I said as he chewed at his lip. "I'm sorry, but maybe this will make it better" he said before he turned the camera.

"Shut up!" I said as I gasped, "is that him?" I asked as my voice cracked, and tears started to stream down my face

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"Shut up!" I said as I gasped, "is that him?" I asked as my voice cracked, and tears started to stream down my face. I could hear Mark's soft "yes" in the background as he focused the camera on his son. I continuously tapped on Marshall's shoulder, shoving the phone toward him. "Congratulations, you guys" he said, "everyone's okay, everyone's healthy?" he asked as he pulled me into him.

Mark flipped the camera back toward him, "her and baby are doing good right now, they are resting" he said, "I am just so proud of her" he said trying to hold it together as he ran his hand over his face.

"When was he born?" I asked softly. "Two- ish hours ago" Mark said as he looked down at his watch, "we got here around five or six last night, and she labored all night" he said as he let out a sigh. "I can't believe he's here" I said as Marshall continuously wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Avery, take a breath" Mark said, "head on over to the hospital when you're ready, Sam's been asking for you" he said as I nodded.


As we walked down the hospital hallway, I felt unsettled. This was the same hospital I was brought to after the accident and the same hospital I had my miscarriage in. I felt nothing but trauma from here. "Avery" Marshall said as he squeezed my hand tighter, as he faced me. "Take a deep breath baby, you're shaking" he said as he pulled me into him, trying to sooth me.

"I- I'm just excited" I said as he nodded and pushed some loose hair behind my ear. "You sure?" he asked as I chewed at my lip. "I don't particularly like the feeling I get walking down these hallways either" he said as I cleared my throat.

"The only good association anyone really has with hospitals, is when their having a baby" he said as I made eye contact with the ground. "I know Tay's birth was a little chaotic, and in a matter of months you'll have to do it again"

"But we have time to figure out what's best for you and that little munchkin" he said as I nodded, "right now, lets go see our nephew" he said as he pressed a kiss to my temple before knocking on the door to their hospital room.

"Come in!" I heard Mark call out as we walked in. Sam and i immediately made eye contact and both suddenly started to cry. I dropped everything that was in my hands and pulled her into me, "I am so proud of you" I said as I squeezed her tighter. "He's better than I could have ever imagined" she said in between sniffles as she pulled his cot closer.

I slowly picked him up as tears started to stream down my face, again. "He is perfect" I said as I held him to my chest. "You really forget how tiny they are when they're just born" I said as Marshall let out a chuckle, "just a couple more months, baby" he said as he pressed his lips to my skin.

"Did you decide on a name?" I asked as Sam nodded, "Walker James" she said happily.



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