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TW: Postpartum Depression, Separated

Avery POV

"Hello, earth to Avery" Sam said as she placed a coffee in front of me. I cleared my throat, "y- yeah?" I said softly. "You're mind is like somewhere else today, and where are your rings?" she asked as she sat down next to me. 

I looked down at my empty ring finger as I stumbled over my words, "last night I told Marshall we needed a break" I said as Sam let out a laugh. "You're joking right?" she asked before there was a silence between us. 

I shook my head as she quickly furrowed her eyebrows, "what on God's green earth possessed you to do that?" she asked as I shrugged, "I just needed some time" I said softly as she rolled her eyes. 

"Time for fucking what?" she asked confused, "Avery this isn't Ryan. You can't run away from a marriage every time you don't want to deal with something" she said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek, "and what about Tatum?" 

"I'm not going to keep Tatum from him, he can see her whenever he wants to"

Sam rested her head in her hands, "I cannot believe you, what did Marshall even say?" she asked dumbfounded. "He asked if there was someone else, then questioned that if there was no one else, what other reason was there" I said softly. "Honestly, you're all throwing us for a loop here" Sam said as she started to raise her voice. 

"You're hurting a man who would literally do anything for you, Avery" Sam said as she shook her head, "I've sided with you on a lot of things, but this is just something I can't bare to watch"

"In Marshall's eyes you could do no wrong, he has literally worshiped the ground you walk on from day one. And this is how you treat him, you rip apart the family you built together?" Sam asked softly. "I know this is not you, I know there is more to this situation than what you're telling us" 


Marshall POV

I groaned as the light came through the curtains. I also sighed at not wanting to get up, knowing the bed next to me was going to be empty. I sat up on the edge of the bed, putting my head in my hands as my phone vibrated, "what the fuck" I said to myself as I threw my head back, grabbing it. 

Missed Called: Hai Jade (4)

I tried to compose myself, putting on a brave face as I redialed Hai, letting the phone ring as it connected, "hey dad!" she said as the face time popped up. "Hey, Hai" I said softly as she quickly furrowed her eyebrows, "did I wake you?" she asked as the silence lingered. 

"Dad, are you feeling okay, your eyes are red and swollen" she asked softly. I shrugged, "maybe allergies or something" I said as I let out a small laugh, but she persisted. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

I cleared my throat, "no, not really" I said as I looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. "Avery and I are gonna take a break for a little while" I said, trying to keep it together as best I could before spotting her rings on her bedside table. "What, that came out of nowhere" Hai said as she shook her head. 

I shrugged, "I- I don't understand it much either" I said softly. 

"Is there someone else, are you guys getting a divorce?" she asked, "what about Tatum?" Hai asked frantically as I let out a sigh. "Hailie please, calm down baby, this all just happened last night" I said softly. "What caused this?" she asked. I cleared my throat, "a few weeks ago Avery told Samantha that she felt alone, that she was angry and cried all the time" 

"Dad, I think Avery has postpartum depression" Hai said softly. I furrowed my eyebrows, "that would make her want to leave me?" I asked confused. She shrugged, "she's not really opening up about how she's feeling, so none of her actions are really making sense to any of us" Hai said as I sighed. 

"But the crying, irritability, anxiety" she said, "depression, fatigue all makes perfect sense" as I started to wrack my brain. 

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