29 (part two)

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Avery POV

I sat and anxiously bounced my leg before Marshall slowly slid his hand across my thigh, "you okay?" he asked as I chewed at my lip. "I'm a little nervous, I feel like I could throw up" I said barely above a whisper. "Just take a deep breath baby, have some water" he said as he handed me my water bottle, as we awaited Halsey's arrival.

I cleared my throat, "I think I'm gonna step out really quick and get some air" I said as I stood up and walked to the door. "You want me to come with you?" Marshall asked as I quickly shook my head, "no, no its okay" I said. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Denaun, can you watch Tay for a minute. I'm gonna go check on Avery" he said as he followed close behind me.

I tried to push down the acid I felt coming up, but I couldn't anymore. I pushed open the back door, feeling a fall breeze hit my face as I was bent over spilling up my guts. "Baby" Marshall said as he held my hair back, and soothingly rubbed my back. "Marsh- I'm fine. You didn't have to follow me out here" I said trying to regain my breath. "You're clearly not fine Avery, are you pregnant?" he asked as his tone softened.

I shook my head, "its just all my anxiety" I said softly before letting out a scoff, "I'm just trying to comprehend how someone as famous as Halsey wants to meet me, or wants to waste her time hearing me" I said as I tried to avoid eye contact. Marshall sighed, "first of all, you don't even know how many artists are actually asking to meet, and work with you" he said, "but Paul and myself are doing a pretty good job of keeping it from you because we thought you didn't wanna do it"

"But you are so talented and beyond beautiful, who wouldn't want the chance to work with you?" Marshall said as I could feel my face flush. I cleared my throat, "I'm happy other artists are wanting to collaborate, because I love doing this" I said softly. "And you Mr. Mathers are obligated to work with me" I said as I let out a laugh.

"We said vows" I said as I held up my left hand, pointing to my wedding bands as Marshall nodded as he caressed my cheek. "You ready to head back inside?" he asked as I nodded, following him inside. "Avery, Avery!" I heard my name called from down the hallway.

"I'm Ashley!" the girl who I knew as Halsey, introduced herself. I let out a shy smile, "I was so nervous to meet you, well nervous and excited but God you are really pretty" Ashley said as she continued to ramble on as I let out a small laugh. "I'm so sorry, you haven't been able to get one word in" she said as I let out another laugh.

"We can go ahead and get settled in the studio" I said as opened the door. "Ashley, this is my husband Marshall, well Eminem" I said as I ran my hand across his back, and we made eye contact with each other. "And this is our daughter, Tatum" he said as she balled his t shirt up in her tiny fists. "She is just, gorgeous" Ashley said before turning her attention to the door as it opened. "This is my partner, Alev and our son Ender" she said as she took her son in her arms as my heart melted. "He is absolutely precious, look at those dimples" I said as he took my finger in his grip.

"Y'all ready to start?" Denaun asked as Ashley nodded excitedly. "I'd really love to hear you sing a song or two, I'd like to hear where our vocals match up and maybe touch base in the areas where you don't feel as confident" she said as I walked over to the booth.

I saw Marshall mouth a few things to Ashley before I chimed in, "I'm gonna do an acoustic version of your song, Ghost" I said as I grabbed the guitar Marshall had bought me before strumming a few cords. "Get it baby, you got this" Marshall encouraged as Denaun did the same before I took a deep breath, and the words naturally flowed.

You're a Rolling Stone boy
Never sleep alone boy
Got a million numbers
And they're filling up your phone, boy
I'm off the deep end, sleeping
All night through the weekend
Saying that I love him butI know I'm gonna leave him

You say that you're no good for me
Cause I'm always tugging at your sleeve
And I swear I hate you when you leave
I like it anyway

I continued to strum as I let out a sly smile, as there was a lingering silence in the room.

My ghost, where'd you go?
I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me
My ghost, where'd you go?
What happened to the soul that you used to be
I'm searching for something that I can't reach

I strummed the last few cords, before the hollering and clapping started. I put down my guitar and leaned against the door frame of the booth. "She's good, isn't she?" Paul said as he walked into the studio, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Better than good" Ashley said as I could feel my face getting red. "It was nothing" I said as I brushed off the whole thing. She furrowed her eyebrows, "you're voice is not nothing, you make it look so effortless" she said as Marshall made eye contact with me. "Haven't I told you the same thing?"

"I don't know if you'd be up for it, but I have a couple shows coming up and I really want you to join me on stage" she said as I shook my head. "Ashley, I- I couldn't do that" I said softly. "Your fans are paying to see you, not me" I said as I declined the offer. "I don't want you to worry about that" she said, "but I can't miss my window of opportunity to ask" she said before there was another lingering silence.

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