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Avery POV
May, 2022 - Mother's Day

I rolled over into the empty side of the bed, before letting out a small moan, "what the fuck" I said into Marshall's pillow as I barely opened my eyes. I could hear the reruns of Seinfeld on in the background from last night, as I unravelled myself from the blankets. I quickly glanced over at the bedside clock, 10:30 am. I hadn't slept like that since before Tatum was born.

I stumbled out of bed, and over to the empty bassinet, "Ta- Tatum?" I said as I ran my hand through my bedhead as I made my way to the living room, seeing Marshall on the couch as he watched the sports highlights. Marshall and I made eye contact before a small smile came to his face and I could feel mine flush.

Even after all this time, after everything we had been through together. He could still give me that butterfly feeling, I didn't know how but he did.

I made my way to the kitchen as Marshall followed close behind, "Happy Mother's Day" he said softly as he tucked some stray hair behind my ear, and pressing a kissed to my temple. I let out a small smile as I poured myself a cup of coffee, "thank you"

Marshall shook his head, "no, thank you" he said as he continued to pepper my skin with kisses as I let out a small chuckle, "Marshall" I said softly. "I didn't think I could love you anymore than I already did, but I continue to fall in love with you over and over again" he said, "when I see the relationship you have with my daughters, when I see you with Tatum"

"I just, I hope and pray that Tatum grows up to be just like you" he said as he pulled me into him tighter. "Your strength and patience" he said in between sloppy kisses to my skin, "and kindness to others, and all your other qualities that that made me fall in love with you"

Tears started to well up in my eyes, "I am so grateful you chose me to share a life with, to have a baby with" he said as he pressed his lips against mine. I smiled in the kiss as I heard Tatum coo from her bassinet, "speaking of our girl" I said walking over, picking her up.

"Hi, peanut" I said as I sat on the couch and cradled her as Marshall sat next to me, placing my coffee mug on the table. "Hey, baby" Marshall said as he ran his fingers through my bed head. I look up, making eye contact with him. "Yeah?"

"You think you can be ready in about an hour or so?" he asked as I furrowed my eyebrows, "for what?" I asked. "Mother's Day brunch" he said as I let out an annoyed sigh. "Does this happen to be my family's annual Mother's Day brunch?" I asked.

Marshall pursed his lips as he cautiously answered, "your dad called me the other day, and invited us" he said as I looked up quickly, "really?" I asked as he nodded. "They really want to see Tatum, and you, on your first Mother's Day"


"Tay, you are so alert right now" I heard Marshall say as he opened the car door, "daddy loves you baby girl" he said as he gushed over her before taking her her out. I let out a small smile as I listened to him, before grabbing the diaper bag and last minute gifts.

"Avery?" I heard dad call out as greeted us in the driveway, "you convinced her" he said as he pulled me into a tight hug. "I did, but it wasn't easy" Marshall said as he let out let out a laugh, and ran his hand across the back of my head.

"Oh, I see you little girl" dad said excitedly, "but I have to wait until your grandmother holds you first, otherwise she'll rip my head off" he said as he touched Tatum's hand before waving us inside. "Grace, Gracie" dad said as we walked into the kitchen setting everything down.

"Avery, hey baby!" mom said excitedly as she walked in from the backyard. "Happy Mother's Day" I said as she pulled me into a hug, "to you as well, your first" she said as Tatum let out a soft cry as Marshall started to unbuckle her from the car seat. "Hey, its okay peanut" he said softly as he pressed a kiss to her cheek as he soothed her. "Your grandparents have been waiting to meet you"

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