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a/n: short little chapter, enjoy 🤍

Marshall POV
A Few Days Later 

"Yo, what the fuck" I said to myself as I furrowed my eyebrows as I scrolled through social media posts I was continuously tagged in. I shook my head in disbelief as I saw the pictures of Avery and Denaun together. As I scrolled further into the comments my stomach started to turn, I was getting nauseated. I knew this couldn't be true.

But as the situation exploded, all I could see was red. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know whether to call Avery or confront Denaun, but I let my emotions get the best of me. 

"What the fuck is this shit?" I asked as I flung the door open to the studio, throwing my phone at Denaun, "are you and my wife, running around behind my back?" I asked. He quickly furrowed his eyebrows, "man, what are you talking about?" he asked confused. 

"Pictures of you, and Avery started circulating this morning" I said as he took a look at the pictures and let out a low chuckle. "Marsh, I can see how it looks, but it-" he started to say as I interrupted him. "Did you touch my wife?" I asked sternly, getting louder. 

Denaun stood up as he puffed his chest out, and so did I.

"Listen Marsh, I'm not starting shit over nothing" he said as he shook his head, "Avery is a beautiful girl, but I respect her and your guys marriage. I think I know better than to fuck around with your girl" he said. 

"Marsh!" I heard Avery's voice faintly, "Marshall!!" I heard her call out again. 

I walked out into the hallway to see her running with tears streaming down her face, before she buried herself into my chest. "Everyone thinks I cheated on you, because of the picture with Denaun" she said, "I promise I didn't, I can promise you we never did anything" she said as she could barely get her words out. 

"Baby" I said softly, "calm down for me, everything is okay" I said as I held her close to me trying to sooth her. "But Mars-" she tried to say as I just held her tighter, "take a deep breath for me" I said. Denaun and I made eye contact, "those were paparazzi pictures man" he said, "from when she brought Tay here to see you" he said. "I went outside to help her carry everything in" 


I sighed and ran my hands over my face, as I still continued to look at the pictures and comments circulating about Denaun and Avery. I have never felt so stupid in my life, I felt like such a tool for blaming the both of them. 

"Marsh" Avery said softly as she stood in the doorway of my office. "Yeah, baby?" I said as we made eye contact. "You gonna come to bed?" she asked as I nodded and got up, taking her hand in mine, as I followed behind her to the bedroom. 

"Avery" I said as we both sat on the bed, "I wanna apologize, for overreacting about the situation with you, and Denaun" I said as she shrugged. "you've been burned before, I get it" 

I shook my head, "that doesn't give me an excuse to be a lunatic, if the paparazzi takes a picture of you" I said, "I should have known that our relationship is in a deeper, stronger place than that" 

"I know that I'm no saint" I said, "but you're my girl, and just the thought of you being with someone else was ready to send me over the edge"

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