29 (part one)

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Avery POV

I furrowed my eyebrows to the sound of Marshall's phone continuously ringing. "Your phone, baby" I said barely above a whisper, as I nudged his leg with my foot. But he still wouldn't budge. 

"Marshall, pick up your phone" I whined out as I pushed at his chest, as he abruptly sat up and wiped the drool off his mouth before grabbing his phone. "Hello?" he said, his voice raspy. as he put the phone to his ear as he laid back down, closing his eyes. There were a few mumbled words on the other end of the call before he let out a sigh, "Paul, this really couldn't wait another hour or so?" he asked. 

"I just want you to know, Avery fucking knocked the wind outta me because of this call" he said as I rolled my eyes. There was more mumbling between the two of them before Marshall looked toward me, "h-he wants to talk to you" he said before putting the call on speaker, and setting the phone on his chest. "Why me?" I mouth to Marshall, still confused. 

"He-hello?" I said as I scooted closer to Marshall in the bed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys up but I have something really important that I need to share with you" Paul said as I heard the excitement in his voice. "Okay, what?" I asked curiously. "Halsey's manager reached out to me, about you" he said before there was a small silence. Paul cleared his throat, "her manager said that she wants to meet you, and get in the studio with you" 

"She said, tell her a time and place and she'll fly out" he said as I chewed at my lip, "okay, maybe my husband could cut us some studio time" I said as I softly grazed Marshall's beard, as he pressed his lips to my fingers. I cleared my throat, "I know she has a son, I think the same age as Tay" I said. "Let her know she should bring him, so the babies could play" I said as Marshall's hand's started to roam where my t shirt didn't land. "So, you're actually agreeing to this?" Paul asked. 

"I am" I said softly. "Okay, I will get her manager on the phone as soon as possible" Paul said before ending the call. 

"I can't believe it" I said as I jumped to my feet on the bed, "I can't believe Halsey wants to meet me" I said as I continued to jump before falling to my ass. Marshall let out a laugh as he pulled me into him, "I can, I knew once we got you out there and noticed other artists would want to try and collaborate" he said as he tucked some loose hair behind my ear. 

"Never in my life did I think I'd ever have the confidence to get on a stage and sing, and shake my ass" I said as Marshall let out a laugh, "could have fooled me, baby" he said as I laughed and covered my face. "I also never thought I'd marry Eminem" I said nonchalantly. Marshall shrugged, "dreams do come true" he said as he pressed his lips to my skin, before getting out of bed. 

"Come on, ma" he said as he wrapped my limbs around his body, pulling me out of bed. "Where are we going?" I asked as I nuzzled my head into his neck. "Since Tay is still sleeping, I figured we take advantage of the morning and have some quality time" he said as he walked into the kitchen, running his hand along my back, soothing me. 

"How about breakfast?" Marshall asked as he set me down on the counter, his lips hovering over my skin. I pursed my lips trying not to laugh, "you know exactly what I'm I'm gonna ask you to make" I said as he rolled his eyes. "Pancakes?" he said as I laughed even harder. 

"How about waffles?" he said as he walked out of the pantry, "same mix, different shape" he said trying to negotiate. "Fine, but only if you put chocolate chips in them" I said as I hopped off the counter, walking over the fridge grabbing the orange juice and raspberries. "I just want you to know that you're a pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass" Marshall said as I turned to him scrunching my nose up, before I popped a raspberry into my mouth. 

 "I'm still in disbelief at Paul's call this morning" I said as Marshall slipped a plate of waffles in front of me. "I'm not" he said as he shook his head, "I just know being in the public eye is not your favorite thing, neither mine" 

"So if you get overwhelmed or you need me, let me know" he said as he pulled me into him as I shoved a forkful of waffles into my mouth, before I heard a faint cry. "Finish eating baby, I'll grab her" he said as he walked out of the kitchen and toward Tatum's nursery. I quickly pulled the baby monitor up, as I continued to watch Tatum stir in her crib as Marshall walked in picked her up, cradling her to his chest. "What is all the fuss about, baby girl?" I heard him ask over the monitor. The more I watched Marshall parent, the more I thought about another baby. 

"Ma-ma, ma-ma" I heard Tatum's little voice down the hallway. "Someone's looking for their mama" Marshall said as he made his way back into the kitchen. Her little raspy voice caused me to let out a smile as I reached out for her, "yes baby, did you sleep good?" I asked as I held her close to me, before putting her in her chair. 

"N- no bottle?" Marshall asked as he had an empty bottle in hand. "Not right now, I really wanna start her on some regular foods supplemented with the bottle" I said as I put some puffs and a few raspberries on her tray. "Is she ready for tha-?" he asked, stopping in mid sentence as he watched Tatum smush the raspberries between her fingers before bringing them to her mouth. I let out a small smile, "Tay is always trying to grab at our food" I said, "that's her letting us know she's curious, and ready to eat real food" 

"And when Lane and I tried to feed her jar food, she spit it out and only wanted her bottle" I said as I intently watched her. Marshall sighed, "all I care about is if my baby is being fed, but if its better for her then I'm not opposed" 

"Years ago, you gave a baby a bottle and then that nasty jar shit until they were old enough to handle anything else" he said as he shrugged, and watched Tatum. I let out a laugh before shoving another forkful of waffles into my mouth as Marshall's phone rang again. "Yes, Paul" he said as he put the call on speaker. 

"I spoke to Halsey's manager, they are getting on a flight here soon. So they should be in Michigan later today" he said eagerly. "Does that mean you're catching a flight too?" Marshall asked as I let out a scoff. 

"Uh, yes" he said, "I'll see you guys in a few hours" he said before ending the call. I let out a sigh, "now my stomach hurts" I said as I rested my head in my hands. "Everything will be fine, baby" Marshall said as he caressed my cheek, before tucking some loose hair behind my ear. 

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