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Avery POV
One week later

I let out a small deep breath before there was knock on the door, "Mathers?" a man asked softly as he walked in and closed the door behind him. I nodded, and nervously played with my wedding bands as him and I made eye contact. 

 He let out a small smile before looking down, "I'm James Breams, I'll be your therapist" he said as I cleared my throat, "okay, great" I said nonchalantly. He quickly looked up from typing, "you nervous?" he asked as I nodded, "I just don't really know what to expect" I said as I shrugged.

He nodded, "we're just gonna talk about some of your background, details of the pregnancy and the postpartum depression and what led you to wanting to seek out therapy" he said, "so, whenever you're ready" 

I stumbled over my words. Mr. Breams waited a few seconds before interjecting, "I see here you and your husband experienced a miscarriage, talk to me about that" he said softly. I nodded, "I got pregnant unexpectedly in 2020, and at about six weeks I lost the baby" 

He furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to jot down notes, "was there a specific reason as to why the miscarriage happened? How did you and your husband handle that?" he asked. I nodded, "I was in a serious car accident a couple months prior to the pregnancy" 

"A guy ran a red light and rammed straight into the side of my car, caused it to roll a couple times and all the windows busted. I mean, I wasn't even awake for a couple days" I said as I chewed at my lip. "And still months after the accident, my body was still healing. All my insides were still in traumatic shock and it caused the placenta to not grow correctly"

"As for Marshall and I handling it, I don't know" I said softly. "There were times where I just outright blamed myself, yelled and cried" I said, "there were days where I felt like the walking dead" I said. "And me staying in a rut like that only made it worse for Marshall, it hurt him to see me continuously blame myself like that" 

Mr. Breams nodded, "are talking about Marshall Mathers, like Eminem?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. There was a small silence before I let out a small laugh, "he's my husband" I said as I flashed him my phone screensaver. 

"Well, I'll be damned. I knew you looked familiar" he said, "I'm a big fan of him" Mr. Breams said as I shrugged, "you either love him, or you hate him" I said nonchalantly. He let out a laugh before quickly composing himself, "back to business, so, your chart here shows record that you got pregnant again in 2021" he asked as I let out a small sigh. 

"When Marshall and I decided we were gonna try again, it felt like it wasn't gonna happen. Every test we took came back negative" 

Mr. Breams chewed at his lip, "you're a young, healthy girl in her mid twenties. I don't really think you were the problem sweetheart" he said as I uncomfortably shifted on the couch. "I think it just got in our heads, you know, cause Marshall and I just wanted to see a positive test so bad" I said softly. "Were there any complications with this pregnancy, or birth?" 

"The pregnancy itself went pretty smooth, the delivery not so much" I said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "What happened?" he asked.

"From what I know Tatum was breached and her shoulder was stuck, and the cord was wrapped around her neck" I said as I cleared my throat. "Thankfully there are no serious complications to either of us, but it was traumatic" I said as Mr. Breams nodded, "most definitely" 

"One more thing, before we wrap the session up for the day, have you ever been pregnant prior to the miscarriage or delivering your daughter?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "why does that matter?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows feeling the knots in my stomach. "If you were pregnant before 2020, you could have a history of postpartum depression and that could help us better diagnose and treat you"

There was silence for a minute, "yeah" I said as I nodded. "I was pregnant and had a miscarriage when I was twenty one, with my ex fiance" I said softly as my face started to flush.


Marshall POV

"How was today?" I asked cautiously, as we sat along the port. There was a silence as Avery looked across the water, "I don't know" she said as she let out a shrug. 

"It's gonna take some time baby, it's only the first session" I said softly. She nodded, "yeah, I guess you're right" 

I pulled her into me, pressing my lips to her forehead as I let them linger against her skin. I could feel her ease at my touch, "everything will be okay" I said as she nodded, resting her head against my  chest. 

"I love you" she said barely above a whisper.  I let out a small smile, "you more" 



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