31 (part one)

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Avery POV
November 4, 2022

Marshall sighed, "I don't want to leave you here alone with Tay, especially when she doesn't feel good" he said as he glanced over at the baby monitor. "Marsh" I said softly, as my nails grazed the hair at the nape of his neck. "Seriously Avery, this is the first time she's ever gotten sick and now I have to leave" he said as he looked down at the ground. 

"But there's reasoning behind it Marshall, this induction is a big deal" I said, trying to keep my voice low to not wake Tatum. "Look, all I want is to be home with my daughter when she doesn't feel good" he said before walking toward his office. I sighed as I grabbed my phone and jacket, before walking out the front door and sitting on the front stoop as the dial tone connected to Hai's phone. "H- hey, why you look so down?" she asked as the facetime connected. 

"I need your help, Hai" I said as she furrowed her eyebrows, "is everything okay, what's going on?" she asked as I let out a sigh. "Your father is refusing to leave tomorrow because Tatum is sick" I said as she shook her head. "Its his induction, that's not something they can just reschedule" 

"I know, that's why I called you. He doesn't wanna listen to me anymore" I said as I shrugged and inhaled my vape. She paused, "are you hiding that from dad?" she asked as I nodded and exhaled the smoke as we both laughed. "Avery, do you really think I can convince him?" she asked nonchalantly. "You're the only person who's gotten him to listen in the last three, almost four years" 

I rolled my eyes, "Hai, please" I begged. "Okay, okay. I'll be over in twenty" she said before ending the call, as I took another puff of my vape and exhaled before going back inside. As I waited for her, my eyes never left the baby monitor. I watched Tatum sleep as I snuck in a few more puffs to calm my anxiety. I jumped, nearly choking on the cloud of my own smoke as my phone vibrated and Hailie's name came up on the screen, before I ran down the hallway. "I assumed you didn't want me to ring the doorbell" she said as I opened the door, pulling her in by the arm. 

"You are correct" I said as we walked down the hallway, hearing Marshall's footsteps come down the stairs, "hey, baby, I just checked o- Hailie?" Marshall said, "what are you doing here?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. Hailie looked at me, I looked at her while Marshall looked at both of us, "lord, what did you two do?" he asked as he placed both palms flat on the counter, leaning against it. Hailie put her hands up defensively, "I was just told to come here, so, here I am" she said as she grabbed a water from the fridge as Marshall sighed, "Avery" he said as I tried to avoid eye contact. 

"I was just thinking" I said, "instead of the girls watching Tay, and me flying out to California with you for the induction. I stay home, and Hailie can go with you" I said as Marshall shook his head continuously. "But dad, this isn't something that can just be rescheduled" Hailie said as he chewed at his lip. He let out a deep sigh, "its not hard to understand, I don't want to leave my daughter" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair, getting irritated. Silence lingered before I took his hand in mine, as we walked to the bedroom, "talk to me baby" I said as he shoved his hands in his pocket. "Tell me what's on your mind" I said as he pressed his tongue to his cheek. 

Nothing was said. "Marshall" I said as my tone became more stern, as he let out a defeated sigh. 

"I don't know, maybe its nothing" he said as he shrugged. I shook my head, "no, let me know, let me understand" I said softly. He sighed again, "I'm getting that same feeling, like when you were pregnant with Tay" he said as I quickly furrowed my eyebrows. "W- what are you talking about Marsh?"

He cleared his throat, "the whole Superbowl thing and having to fly back and forth to California and I wasn't here" he said as my stomach sank. "I wasn't here for the doctor appointments, and I missed seeing our daughters ultrasound, because of me" he said softly. "But Marsh, like the induction, Superbowl is once in a lifetime opportunity" I said trying to rebuttal. "I am not going to leave you and Tatum alone when she doesn't feel good Avery, end of discussion" he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. 

"But Marshall, its the Hall of Fame" I said softly as he shrugged. "When I won an Oscar I was at home, on the couch with Hai watching cartoons, I didn't show up" he said nonchalantly. I sighed as I softly caressed his face, "I love you, but please, do not pass this one up"

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