Bonus Chapter - Common Ground

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Avery POV
A few weeks later

"How are you managing?" Sam asked on the other end of the facetime call, as I continued to fold laundry. I shrugged, "I don't know, I'm a little shaken up about it" I said softly, "I know Marshall upped the security but I still don't want to answer the door and there's nights where my dreams about it are so vivid" 

"I wake up drenched in sweat, screaming" I said as Sam sighed, "maybe you'd wanna try therapy again?" she said as I shook my head. "The important thing is you and the baby are okay" she said as she tried to redirect the conversation. "Marshall and I are more than grateful that he's okay" I said as my phone started to vibrate. "Hey, let me get this" I said, "I think its the OB wanting to set up a follow up" I said as I ended our call. 

"Hello?" I said as I answered. "Avery" a woman on the other end said as I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "this is she, can I help you?" 

"This is Kim, Kim Scott" she said before there was an awkward silence. I felt my stomach jump into my throat as I let out a nervous laugh, "hey, what's up?" I asked as I sat down on the bed. "I was just wondering if you'd maybe wanna grab lunch, or something?" she asked. Caught off guard I was lost for an answer, "or I- I could grab some take out and bring it there, does Chinese sound good?" she asked as I mumbled out an answer. 


"Shut up!!" Sam said as I rolled my eyes, "she called you and asked if you wanted to have lunch?" Sam asked just as confused as I was. "Uh, yes" I said as I walked around the house aimlessly, waiting for Kim to get there. 

"Are you sure Marshall doesn't know about this?" she asked as I sighed, "I don't know, I haven't seen him since he left this morning" I said softly. "I assume he's at the studio?" Sam said as I nodded, "he even took Tay with him so I could get some stuff done around the house" 

"Well, I don't know, maybe she actually wants to be on good terms with you" Sam as I rolled my eyes. "I guess, I could just be on edge and overthinking the whole situation" I said as Sam nodded. "Remember the first time Marshall asked you to come to Michigan, and you Hailie, she didn't take a liking to you at first but she came around and now you two are inseparable"

"Yeah, that's true" I said. "But also, Marshall and Kim may not be together but they have known each other for a really long fucking time" she said. "I'm not saying this to upset you, because we all know Marshall loves you. But in some way, they will always want the best for each other and make sure the other is okay" 

The tension in the room was stiff, "Avery, please don't be mad at me" Sam said as she shook her head. "I'm not saying they want to be together, but maybe she was trying to protect him and make sure you were going to stick around. Make sure that you weren't gonna use him for his status or money and then leave him heartbroken" she said as I anxiously played with my wedding rings. 

"Now that she sees you've stayed, you've married him and are having children she may think a little different than she did three years ago" she said as I cleared my throat. "You know the first time I ever had a pleasant encounter with her, was the night we brought Tay home" I said as Sam raised her eyebrows, "see, there you go" 

"I don't think you have anything to worry about Avery" she said as the doorbell rang. "That's her, I gotta go" I said as I waddled down the hallway to the front door. "Call me later, I wanna know what happens!" Sam said before she ended the cal; and I opened the door to Kim standing in front of me. "Hey, I got lunch!" she said as she held up the brown sack as I let out a nervous smile and opened the door wider, "come in, can I get you something to drink?" I asked as we walked down the hallway back to the kitchen. 

"Whatever you're drinking hun" she said as she set the bag on the counter and started to unpack the food. "So, your phone call this morning was a surprise" I said as I grabbed two diet cokes from the fridge and set them on the counter. Kim nodded, "there's some stuff I wanted to talk about and get off my chest for a while now, but I didn't really know where to start" 

"So I started with offering lunch" she said as I opened my lo mein noodles, swirling my fork in them and taking a bite. "What are you wanting to talk about?" I asked, waiting for her to start the conversation. "I know there were more than a few instances where I wasn't as nice as I could have been, and I want to apologize for that" she said as I tried to swallow my mouthful of noddles. "Myself and the girls were a little caught off guard when Marshall even entertained the idea of bringing someone home, let alone someone so young" 

"And I have to admit, I was afraid you were going to leave him either broke or inconsolable but I am more than grateful that you came into his life" she said as I looked up from my food. "Since you two have been together, I can tell he's different" she said, "he's happier, you took him out of a really dark place Avery" she said as she placed her hand on mine. 

Kim cleared her throat, "so, I wanna apologize for any of my behavior previously and anything I might have said that made you upset because I didn't mean it" she said, "you are a beautiful girl who knows what she brings to the table" 

I let out a shy smile, "I'm sure you've had your fair share of shit that you went through before Marshall, but I know the backlash of this relationship hasn't been easy either. You guys have fought like hell to get where you are" she said as I nodded. "I'd rather go through any obstacle with Marshall, knowing he'll be by my side than be with the absolute piece of garbage I called my fiance" 

"Don't tell me he put his hands on you?" she asked as she watched me move my food from side to side on my plate. There was another silence, "you think I saved Marshall, but Marshall really saved me" I said as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. "Oh, baby come here" Kim said as she pulled me into her. "No more tears have to be shed, look at the life you have" she said as she tucked some loose hair behind my ear. "Where is that baby girl of yours?" she asked. "Marshall took her to the studio so I could get some stuff done around the house, but she is growing up so fast" I said as I shook my head.

"She's running around and talking, everything that comes out of her mouth is I do, I do!" I said as Kim let out a laugh. "You know she's just copying what she sees, and I think she has some pretty strong willed examples leading her" she said as I ran my hand over my bump. 

"I also did get something for the baby" she said as she placed a gift bag on the counter. "Kim, you shoul-" I started to say as she interrupted me. "I couldn't resist, and I know it'll be a while before he fits in it" 

I grabbed a onsie out of the bag, "how do you say no, it says bubs on it" she said excitedly as I let out a small smile. "I bet Marshall's excited to have a son" she said softly as I heard the front door open, and Tatum's little footsteps run across the hardwood. 

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