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Avery POV
December 25, 2022 - Christmas Day

"Marsh, Marshall get up!" I whispered as I jumped on the bed, as he abruptly sat up. "What, what baby" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows, as I chewed at my lip. "Its Christmas, its Tay's first Christmas" I said as he let out a deep sigh and laid back down.

"Come help me get everything ready for today" I said as I tugged at the blankets, trying to get him out of bed. He sat up again, "I'll help, for a kiss, under the mistletoe" he said as a sly smile came to his face, as I nudged him. "Come on ma, just one little peck" he said as he pulled me into him, pressing his lips to mine.

"Will you, grab" I said as I broke the kiss, "the presents from the guest bedroom for me?" I asked as I grazed my nails at the nape of his neck. Marshall let out a sigh, "yes" he said before he grabbed a handful of my ass, happily walking away. I rolled my eyes before walking into the living room, turning on the Christmas tree, then into the kitchen to brew some coffee. As I continued to watch Marshall put all the presents under the tree, I started breakfast, and I couldn't help but be grateful and feel content in the place we were at.

"Marsh" I said as I slid a mug across the counter to him, "yeah baby?" he said as he took a small sip. "Will you let me, open a present?" I asked as he rolled his eyes and let out a low chuckle, "just one!!" I said as I leaned over the counter. Marshall sighed, giving in, "okay, just one" he said as he caressed my face before I ran into the living room. "Do I get to pick which one?" I asked as I sat crossed legged next to the tree. He nodded, as he watched me go for the smallest box under the tree.

I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "who helped you wrap these, because the wrapping is a little to good" I said as he rolled his eyes. "Allison may or may not have helped me, but that's not the point" he said as I teared through the paper, seeing a small jewelry box, revealing diamond earrings. "Oh, Marshall" I said as we made eye contact as he met out a shy smile.

"These are beautiful" I said as I glanced at them again, "I'm happy you like them baby" he said as he pulled me into him, pressing his lips to my skin. "But, there's still more to open later" he said before we heard the sound of shuffling feet and Tatum babbling down the hallway.

"Ma-ma" Tatum continued to say once I was in her line of vision. "Yes baby?" I said as I grabbed her from Lane, and walked into the kitchen to grab the bottle I had warmed up for her before walking back into the living room, and plopping down on the couch next to the girls.


Being Christmas was a Sunday, we all lounged around taking advantage of having to do absolutely nothing but be together. "What move do you guys wanna watch?" Hailie asked as she scrolled through the choices. "Grinch!"

"Charlie Brown Christmas!" I said before Tatum let out a loud screech, as she held onto the couch before slowly letting go to try and walk over to Lottie and Wolf. "Marsh.." I said softly trying not to startle her, "do you see what I'm seeing right now?" I asked as we all intently watched Tatum. He nodded, before there was footsteps coming from down the hallway, "Tay, look at you baby girl" Evan said excitedly as he walked into the living room.

Tatum started to wave her hands happily, "Tay, come to daddy" Marshall said as he reached out for her as she was cautious with her steps, before eventually falling to her knees and crawling to him. "She just took her first steps" I said trying to hold myself together. "We're you trying to play with the puppies?" Marshall asked as he grabbed her and smothered her with kisses, making her let out a laugh.

"Are we ready to see what Santa brought this year?" Lane said as she started to organize the presents under the tree into piles. "Tay, you ready to open presents?" I asked her as she stood in between my legs. She rubbed at her eyes and furrowed her little eyebrows, "miwk" she said in her raspy little voice as she reached for her bottle, as Marshall handed it to her, taking her from my arms.

There was paper and boxes flying everywhere, music playing and everyone talking about this years presents. "Tay, you wanna help daddy with this present?" Marshall said as she crawled to a box bigger than her. Marshall started the tear of the paper for her, letting her rip the rest. "What is that baby?" he asked as she looked at him, "what is that Tay?" I asked excitedly as she let out a smile, showing us her little bottom teeth.

"Its a kitchen, so you and mama can cook together" I said as she reached out for me. "I think these smaller boxes go with the one she just opened, Avery" Lane said as she handed me a handful of presents as Marshall helped Tatum open them. Tatum looked at us innocently, "that's the food that goes in your kitchen, babe" I said softly as she furrowed her little eyebrows.

I grabbed another box, tearing the paper a little bit, before Tatum completely shredded it. "What is that?" I asked curiously as she kept pointing at it. "Is that a baby?" I said as Marshall took the box and ripped it open, handing her the baby. Tatum continuously rubbed at her eyes and yawned as Lane grabbed her, cuddling her.

"After today, are you sure there will be something to get her for her birthday?" Hailie asked as I let out a laugh, "to be fair, this damage wasn't just us. This also was my parents and Samantha" I said softly. "Avery, open your presents baby" Marshall said pointing to the only things left under the tree. I sighed, "I wanted everyone else to open all of their gifts first, especially Tay" I said softly.

"Come on, you were busting my balls this morning about opening presents" he said as he let out a laugh and tackled me on the floor. "Fine, fine!" I said, "just get your fat ass off me" I said as Marshall rolled his eyes. "Open this one" he said as he grabbed it from underneath the tree and handed it to me. I teared through the paper, seeing another jewelry box this time bigger and flatter. He opened the box for me, as I saw a necklace with Tatum's name on it. I could feel my eyes getting watery as I cleared my throat. "I love you" I said as I pressed my lips to his.

"You more" he said softly, "Merry Christmas"



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