Chapter 1

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"Your dad?"

Scorpious groaned and nodded his head yes slowly.

Faye busted out laughing and threw her head back, kicking her legs.

"You're kidding! So daddy Malfoy is the new Professor?"

He groaned in disgust and rolled his eyes, putting his clothes into his cabinet. "Can you please not call him daddy? He's literally my dad."

She grinned and sent him a wink shifting her eyes to a nervous looking Coraline sitting on the loveseat.

There was no doubt that he would hate her. She just wished she would've been sorted into Slytherin as well to at least get on his good side.

She's never met him and is so nervous to. Just the thought of her best friends father throwing snarky remarks like the other bullies make her want to throw up.

"Lina you ok?" Faye said with a now concerned face. She wanted to tell her she was fine but she knew she wouldn't let it go.

Faye was like her mother. After her real one decided to get a perverted boyfriend that use to want to sneak into her bedroom at night, she ran away and asked her if she can move in with her.

Luckily she was accepted with open arms.

"It's just-", she threw her head back against the couch, her voice coming out low as she stared at the ceiling, "what if he treats me really bad like the others?"

Coraline was always confident but she couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought of seeing Scorpius's hot dad after a long time when she was a Hufflepuff.

A deep voice in the corner of the bed spoke, his feet stomping against the floor as he stood up. "Well he has to get use to having you around because you're Scorpius's best friend."

He sat next to her and put his arm around her, bringing her close. "Come one Lina it's going to be fine. He's only going to introduce you that's all."

A sigh left her lips as she pressed her head against his shoulder in comfort. "I guess..."

She tilted her head up, her cheek being smushed by his rough shoulder. "Thank you Eli."

He rolled his eyes playfully and hooked his arm around her head gently, a sound leaving his throat as he hugged her head.

Scorpius and Faye walked closer as they all got in a group hug, squishing each others lungs.

A smile was brought on Coraline's face at the action. They always bear hugged to comfort each other when one of them are feeling down. It was their thing.

"Now come on", Eli stopped and patted his stomach, an exaggerated groan leaving his lips, "I'm starving."

They all chucked and stood up, all leaving Scorpius's huge dorm together.

It was a perk of being a Malfoy. They can have anything they wanted because of how filthy rich they were. Everyone wanted to be a prefect because of how big the rooms are. Maybe they could've had a chance if the school wasn't so unfair.

But luckily for Coraline and the others, it was theirs as much as it was Scorpius's.

Everything they owned was for every one of them.


The vibrant sun kissed Coralline's skin as they walked down the hall to the great hall. She was looking out to the sky as they all chatted next to her. It didn't bother her that they left her out, she liked having some time alone with her thoughts but having them next to her as well.

As they neared the great hall she looked forwards and pushed the door open with all of her force. Those doors were so heavy all of them had to put in some effort.

"I swear- these doors get heavier each year." Faye said as they closed behind us. We all stopped walking and eyed all of the tables.

"So", Scorpius said as he put his hands in his pockets, looking at all of us. "Where should we sit?"

It was always a problem choosing where they would sit since they were all in different houses.

One day they would sit where Eli was; the Gryffindor table, where Faye was; the Ravenclaw table, where Coraline was; the Hufflepuff table, or where Scorpius was; the Slytherin table.

"Maybe we should sit at the Slytherin table?" Eli said with a questioning look as he kept his vision on the empty spot at the end of it.

They all agreed and started walking towards it, sitting down at the very end near where the teachers sat.

Coraline sat in the middle of Faye and Scorpius as always, Eli being in front of them grabbing a plate of food hungrily.

Coraline looked at all of the food and settled down for some jellybeans since she wasn't that hungry.

Her eyes looked around the room as she held a handful of jellybeans close to her chest, scared they might fall.

The clink of a glass caught her attention as she looked up.

"May I have everyone's attention."

Everyone piped down as McGonagall spoke with a demanding tone. "As you may all know, Professor Slughorn is no longer teaching at Hogwarts."

Most people chatted with a shocked face as others giggled, knowing someone younger was taking over.

"So I would like to announce your new teacher, who you may all treat with the same respect, Professor Draco Malfoy."

A man in his mid 30's stood up with confidence radiating off of him as he looked around the cheering room.

He was wearing a white tight fitted shirt, black slacks and leather shoes accompanying the look. Coraline's mouth unconsciously gaped open as she stared at him with shock.

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙥𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙙.

He suddenly made eye contact with her, quietly inspecting her, turning his head away quickly.

𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡.


This definitely isn't going to be a slow burn. 😼

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