Chapter 30

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"What?" Coraline spoke shakily, her face dropping at his question.

He sighed and got closer to her, whispering softly, "I just want to know- I've seen you looking at him and he's asked me questions about you so I just-"

"What questions?" She asked, her eyes still wide as she watched his own widen as well. "Nothing", he looked to the side, Coraline knowing he was lying by the action.

"Eli", she spoke sternly, a hint of panic in her tone, "what did he ask you?" He pressed his hands against his mouth and looked at her, his voice getting muffled into his palms, "about your mom."

Her face paled at his answer, her heart thumping in her ears. 𝙃𝙚 𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙄 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙝𝙞𝙢?

"I'm so sorry Lina I know it wasn't my place-", she rushed past him before he could finish and walked out the door with her wand in hand. He must've already come back since his office door was closed. It's only closed completely when he's in it.

Opening the door roughly, she watched him pace around the room with his hands in his hair. She shut the door, locking it and silencing it with her wand.

Water filled her eyes as she looked at him with a look of betrayal. She couldn't believe he already knew about her mother and never told her.

"You already knew?" Her voice cracked as she spoke, her chin trembling as she tried her best to not breakdown in front of him. She told him about what she went through because she actually thought they could be together.

His red eyes looked at her in confusion, his hair messy from running his fingers through it. "What?-"

"Eli told me." She could see his face pale at her words. It might've not been a big deal for him but for her it really was.

"You acted like you didn't know about the abuse my mother put me through but you knew all along! I wanted to be the first one to tell you when I trusted you- and I did!"

She was now closer to him, her voice booming through the room, "you probably never meant a word that you said huh?!" She pushed him back, his body stumbling in shock.

She chuckled angrily and quoted his words "'Oh Coraline don't worry as long as I'm here no one will hurt you.'"

Her waterline filled with tears as she looked at him, her eyes blurring, "you were probably getting a laugh by my traumatic experience weren't you? Acting like you care about me and then kissing the person who you know has it out for me!"

He looked at her with widened eyes, stepping closer to her only for her to step back, "no it's not like that- I need you to understand!"

"Understand what? Understand that you just used me just to toss me to the side right after?!"

Tears were running down her face as she spoke, her heart clenching as she watched him look at her with glistening eyes.

"You actually made me believe you cared about me but I was just a-", a sob left her lips, her voice wavering as she spoke, "i was just a toy you used whenever you felt like it."

She angrily stepped closer and looked up at him with hatred, "I fucking hate you." She looked down at his hand and forcefully grabbed it, his hand turning into a fist, "Don't-"

She didn't listen and opened his hand, ripping the ring off his middle finger as he watched her with teary eyes. She turned around and walked to towards the door, not sparing him another glance as she unlocked the door and walked out.

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