Chapter 41

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"Eat this Lina. It will help with the hangover." Faye rubbed her back as Coraline shook her head, pushing the plate away.

"I'm fine. I did a spell this morning for my head to not hurt as much." Faye nodded and watched as she grabbed the water and took a sip.

She looked up and around the great hall for Scorpius, wondering where he was. "Where's Scorpius?" She asked.

Faye and Eli shrugged and looked around the room, their eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Scorpius was always the first one to arrive to breakfast out of the four of them.

Coraline stood up and mumbled an 'I'm going to look for him' and made her way out of the great hall. She may be sad because of what happened yesterday but she barely remembered anything except going to Draco's dorm and waking up in her room the next morning.

She heard footsteps behind her and saw Faye and Eli walking behind her. They definitely had a bad feeling as well. She walked to the Slytherin common room faster, opening the door and going up to the door which read 'MALFOY'.

Knocking gently, she waited for him to at least let a sleepy sound letting them know he just overslept but they heard nothing. She twisted the knob and found it open, finding it even weirder.

"Scorp-", she gasped and tan to him when she found him trembling in the corner of his room. She moved towards him quickly bending down to comfort him.

"Stop! Don't- don't come any closer." She felt a pang of hurt but backed up, giving him some space. The others sat next to her, looking at him with panic and worry etched onto their faces. 

"What happened Scorp? Did someone hurt you?" He cried harder at Faye's words, letting us know someone did.

Eli clenched his fists, looking at Scorpius with wide angry eyes. "Who hurt you scorpius. Tell us." He tired to sound calm but he just couldn't. Scorpius never cried.

"I was going to go to breakfast when I heard someone apparate to my room-", he let out a choked sob, "it was my mom and she- she told me I looked just like my dad."

Coraline's eyes widened as she took in what he said. He sobbed harder as he finished saying those words, knowing they knew exactly what he meant. She clenched her jaw and fisted her hands, getting up and speed walking down the Slytherin common room and running into the corridors.

She might've let Astoria kill her own baby and take Draco away from her- but there was no way she was going to let this one pass.

Walking towards the outside of the castle, she stopped at the grounds where you can apparate and turned around pulling her wand out of her skirt.

Mumbling an 'apparate' under her breath, she watched as the world twisted and turned in front of her. Her feet landed on a hard marble ground, the familiar floor making her anger rise.

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨.

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