Chapter 24

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Coraline's hands clutched onto the marble surface tightly, looking back at him with wide eyes. "You mean she's- she's sleeping in there?"

"Mhm", he answered gruffly, pulling out his wand and locking the door while looking down at her dripping entrance, "but I don't think you find it a problem considering the arousal dripping down your legs.."

She whimpered lowly, lowering her head to hide the crimson color tinting her cheeks. She felt him rub his hard dick against her wet entrance, her mouth gaping as he slid the tip in.

Biting her lip to contain her sounds, she let out a low cry when he kept teasing her by only thrusting his tip in and out slowly.

A low growl left her lips as she pushed her hips back, his rough hand stopping her from moving further.

"Beg for it." He spoke lowly as he dug his fingers into her wide hips. She groaned, her core dripping at the thought of him thrusting deeply inside of her. Still, she wouldn't beg.

Staying quiet, she shut her lips tightly to contain any sound that threatened to spill out.

One of his hands came up and fisted her hair, a pained groan leaving her lips as she arched her back into his chest. "Beg. For. It."

She clenched her jaw, looking at him through the mirror in slight anger, "if you're not going to fuck me then Scorpius would gladly-"

He bent her over the sink once again and thrusted into her the nine inches she always takes. She slapped her hand over her mouth to contain her loud moans, her eyes rolling to the back of her head in pleasure.

He grunted in pleasure as he looked at her face contorting in pleasure through the mirror. "Look at you..", he teased with a growing smirk, "do you really think you can go back to anyone after me?"

She gripped onto the counter tightly, tilting her head down to not show him how good he makes her feel. Her head was yanked up in a second, her red face now in his view. He brought his other hand down to her clit, rubbing it quickly to add to the pleasure.

Wet sounds could be heard around the room as he increased his speed, beads of sweat rolling down his temple.

She whimpered at the pace, mumbling curse words under her breath as he pressed his hand onto her bottom stomach.

A cry left her lips at the action, the feeling of his throbbing dick inside of her making her jerk forward.

He thrusted even quicker, her whole body moving forward with the harsh movement. She moved her hips back, a soft groan leaving his lips at the action.

"That's it darling", he threw his head back, his mouth gaping open, "k-keep doing that."

She moved her hips back harder, her whole body shaking as she came hard on his dick. He thrusted one last time, his hips touching her ass and came deeply inside of her.

He shivered at the pleasure that ran through his body, his hands making marks on her hips as he gripped onto them tightly. He pulled out of her, a wince leaving her lips at the sudden emptiness.

Flipping her over, he lifted her up to the counter and looked at the cum making its way down her legs. With his index and middle finger he pushed the dripping liquid back into her sensitive core, her hips withering on the counter at the action.

Removing his fingers, he lifted them up to her face and brought them close to her mouth, "Suck."

She obeyed, wrapping her mouth around his soaked fingers and sucking her taste off of them. She stared up at him with doe eyes, swirling her tongue over and in between his long and thick fingers.

His jaw ticked as he removed his now saliva coated fingers and I put them in his mouth, groaning at the sweet taste of her.

"You taste so addicting." He spoke lowly, his tone dripping with hunger. He pressed his hands against her thighs rubbing them up and down softly. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers roughly her head getting pushed back slightly at the force he was putting into it.

Separating her lips, she looked at him with wide eyes, "Draco you came in me I- I can get pregnant-", he shut her up with a quick kiss, looking at her and wetting his lips, "don't worry my darling i'll give you a pill when we get out, ok?"

She nodded, moaning into the harsh hiss he instantly pulled her into. She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his silky hair as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He moved his hand to her waist and pushed her soft skin on his, wanting to feel her against him.

"Honey? Are you in there?" Coraline immediately separated her lips from his, a panicked look on her face. He just looked at her calmly, his hands still firmly on her waist.

"Yes, I'm in here." He could feel Astoria fumbling with the knob, trying to get it open, "why aren't you in bed?" Her voice came out full of suspicion, her hand now still on the knob to hear every sound. "I was just showering, Astoria."

She turned the knob again, and spoke seductively into the small slit of the door, "Do you want me to join, baby?"

Coraline's mouth dropped at her words, wondering if he let her touch him when she was already seeing him.

She pressed her hands against his chest to move him back and leave but his firm grip on her waist kept her from doing so.

"How about you join one of your fuck toys and leave me alone." Astoria scoffed and backed off the door, venom clear in her tone when she spoke, "You're such a fucking asshole."

Stomping was heard as she walked back to the bed, a growl leaving her lips, "Don't even bother coming in- you're sleeping in the other guest room tonight!"

She acted as if she was the one that bought the house and not him. But he just smirked and looked at Coraline in the eye, speaking back to Astoria loudly, "fine by me."

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