Chapter 18

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(One week later)

"Did all of you pack everything?" Eli asked once again, pointing a finger at all of them. They all nodded, Coraline giving him a thumbs up as they boarded the train.

They moved all the way to the back, sighing when they found an empty compartment. They all lifted their luggage up, Coraline struggling with the weight of it.

She groaned, getting on her tippy toes to try her best. Hands appeared in her view, her head turning over her shoulder to see who it was.

"Thanks Scorp." He smiled at her and fixed it correctly, backing up to let her sit down. She let out a breath when she sat down, looking out the window to calm herself down.

Her thoughts were filled with the fact that she had to face Draco when she hasn't spoken to him in a week. She didn't know how he was going to act around her and she was dreading to find out.

Every time she entered his class she would avoid his eyes to resist the urge to run up to him and kiss his plump lips.

If she actually paid attention to him she would notice the effect she had on him. He's been a complete disaster the past couple of days. He's been wearing joggers and plain white shirts instead of his fancy black pants and long sleeve button ups.

He might act emotionless with her sometimes but he can't deny how much he misses her. Even if he tries not to.


"Lina", she heard a voice whisper in front of her, a soft groan leaving her lips as she opened her eyes slowly. Scorpius was crouched in front of her, tilting his head sideways, "we're here."

She blinked a couple of times, getting up and rubbing her eyes. She lifted her hands to get her luggage, Scorpius already beating her to it and getting it down for her.

She thanked him lowly, giving him a smile and gripping the her weighty luggage tightly. She may have overpacked but she's really paranoid that something might happen and they won't have the supplies they need.

"Where is this manor again?" Faye asked, following behind Scorpius. He walked faster, trying to not bump into other people as he searched for someone in the crowd.

"We're supposed to apparate to it- where is he?" He whispered yelled the last part, looking all over the place. Coraline walked faster, looking down and zipping up the open part of her bag.

She bumped into someone's chest letting out an 'omph' at the impact. She looked up to apologize, her face slightly falling when she saw Draco in front of her.

He was looking down at her with a stone cold face, looking up once he noticed Scorpius was walking back to him.

"Hey dad", he grabbed my hand and put me in between both of them looking at the others as well, "grab on to each other."

Faye grabbed Scorpius's other hand, Eli grabbing tightly onto hers. Coraline's breath hitched as she looked down, noticing who's other hand she had to grab onto.

She bit the inside of her cheek and interlocked her fingers in his, her cheeks heating up when he tightened their hands together.

Their body's swished and turned as they landed, their feet hitting the hard ground. Coraline looked around, completely mesmerized at the view in front of her.

The manor was gloomy but in a way it made her feel safe. She turned her head to the various windows, looking out at the beautiful garden. Thousands of different flowers were decorating the grass, the vibrant colors somehow illuminating the darkness of the house.

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