Chapter 22

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"A pool?" Scorpius nodded eagerly, an excited look on his face. "So I hope you all brought your swimsuits."

Coraline just smiled and nodded, going to her room to get ready. It wasn't that she didn't love going into hot tubs and pools- she always used to love it as a kid.

The last time she went to a pool was with her mother who loved to criticize her body in the bikini. She always had to make her feel terrible about her own body.

Opening the cabinet on the bottom part of the closet, she pulled out her sage green two piece and inspected it with a small frown. She debated asking Faye for another swimsuit but it was obvious she would only have her own.

A sigh left her lips as she started undressing, immediately putting on the swimsuit and an oversized shirt over it.

She looked at herself in the full body mirror, making sure the shirt didn't show her body. Of course she knew she had to remove the shirt to go in but for now, she didn't want it to be seen.

Breathing in deeply she grabbed the knob and opened it, making her way to the pool she hoped Draco wouldn't be in.


"Isn't this lovely", a raven haired women said with a smile as she walked out to the pool as well.

"Aunt Pansy", he exclaimed excitedly as he walked out dripping wet from the pool and hugged her tightly. She groaned and hugged him back, pulling away from him and looking down at her now drenched attire.

"Damn it genius you made my clothes get wet!" He snickered and kissed her cheek, walking back to the edge of the pool.

Coraline watched him with her arms wrapped around her nearly exposed body, smiling at how excited he looked to see his aunt. Pansy looked at her and hummed, tilting her head slightly, "and who might you be?"

She turned to the side smiling widely at her and pulling out her hand, "I'm Coraline- Scorpius's best friend." Pansy dismissed her hand and went in for a hug catching her by surprise. She hugged her back and pulled away, smiling widely at her.

Pansy looked her up and down, looking away while speaking, "not going to lie, I thought you were his girlfriend."

Coraline almost chocked on her spit as she looked at her with wide eyes, tumbling over her words, "oh no, no we're just friends." She nodded with a small grin looking at Faye who was acting like she was drowning Eli.

Scorpius suddenly appeared and stood dripping next to Coraline, looking at her in question, "you're not going in, Lina?"

"Yeah just not now", she smiled softly at him, her attention getting caught when the door opened once again, Draco walking in with no shirt on and trunks.

Her mouth couldn't help but gape open at how attractive he looked. His pale chest was out in the view, images of her grazing her lips against the softness of it clouding her mind.

She was instantly snapped out of her daze when Scorpius threw her over his shoulder and ran towards the pool. She squealed as he jumped in, shutting her eyes quickly to not get water in them.

A loud gasp left her lips as she rose up, the feeling of warm water surrounding her lower body.

"Fuck you, Scorpius", she coughed as she cleared her eyes. Arms wrapped around her waist as she moved to get out, Faye grabbing her from behind and pulling her down to the water.

As soon as she came up, she playfully growled and pulled her down to the water, a squeal leaving Faye's lips at the action.

Time was passing by quickly as they had fun, every problem leaving her mind as she played around with her friends. Pansy already left about an hour ago, everyone missing her chill attitude.

"Dad! Aren't you going to come in?" Draco looked over to Scorpius and removed the cigarette from his lips, puffing out the buildup smoke from his mouth.

"Not right now." He said bluntly, pressing the cigarette back onto his lips.

Scorpius just shrugged and went back to goofing around, not noticing Coraline's eyes trained on Draco.

She took him in from top to bottom, gulping at how hot he looked leaned back into the chair with the cigarette falling down onto his bottom lip.

He looked her eyes, a deep blush covering her cheeks when she noticed he caught her staring. She instantly looked away and turned her face to the sunset, not wanting to see if he was still watching her.

"I'm getting out", Eli groaned, "my skin's pruning up." Faye and Scorpius agreed, getting out the pool.

"Are you coming?" Scorpius asked Coraline as he got out of the large pool, his shorts dripping with water.

She looked at the sunset and once again, debating if she should stay and watch it completely set. "You guys go ahead. I'm going to stay here for a little longer." She gave him a reassuring smile, tilting her head back when she saw him nod and walk away.

Goosebumps were rising on her skin from the chilly air kissing it lightly. A small splash was heard, the sound passing her ears as she shut her eyes lightly.

"Has anyone ever told you how breathtaking you look in green?"

Her eyes snapped open at Draco's voice, his hands slithering around to her ass and pushing her closer body closer to his. She looked at him with wide eyes, a small smirk growing on his face.

"Draco-", she looked around making sure no one was watching, "they could catch us."

His smirk just widened as he wrapped her legs around his waist, digging his nails into her soft thighs. He walked to the stairs of the pool, getting out with her in his arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, turning her head back slightly to see where he was taking her. One of his hands moved to her ass and squeezed it, a gasp leaving her lips as she looked back at him.

He smashed his lips against hers, opening the door to go inside with one hand while the other secured her against his body.

A shiver ran down her spine at the sudden change of air, her eyes fluttering closed as she kissed him harder. He quietly went up the stairs, her not noticing by the intense kiss they were sharing.

One of her hands grabbed the back of his head, pushing their lips impossibly closer. He groaned against her mouth as he sat her down on a cold surface, a soft moan leaving her lips at the contact.

He separated their lips and trailed his kisses down her neck, leaving dark hickeys. She sighed out in content, tilting her head up to give him access.

Her body was suddenly off the counter and flipped around, a gasp leaving her lips in shock as he bent her over a sink.

She lifted her head up slightly, looking around the unfamiliar room and back at him through the large mirror portraying them fully.

"Where-", he pressed his index finger against his lips, indicating for her to quiet down. She licked her lips and looked around the room once again, speaking in a lower tone, "where are we?"

He grinned widely, unbuckling his belt with one hand as he bent down and positioned his lips in level with her ear.

"This, baby", he lowered his pants along with his boxers, lowering her bikini bottom as well while maintaining eye contact with her, "is mine and Astoria's bathroom."

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