Chapter 50

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"I heard you were feeling a bit woozy. Are you feeling better?" Coraline nodded as she walked to class, putting on a small silver blue ring that she had in her bag. Draco had given it to her the day before, scared that when they were apart something would happen to her.

So she just had to tap the ring exactly seven times with her thumb and it would make his own vibrate.

"Have you thrown up today as well?" She hummed and looked around, seeing a couple of guys watching them with wide grins. She just shrugged it off and turned back to Eli thinking she was just being paranoid.

"Hm? Oh yeah but I'm fine now like I've said. I ate some waffles for breakfast that Dorian", she gave him a knowing nudge, him humming in response, "had gotten for me. Luckily I didn't throw them up." She could see him look at her from the corner of her eye, opening his mouth and speak nervously.

"I don't want to upset you but- have you and Dorian slept together without protection again?" She sucked in a breath, remembering the pain she had went through that had also killed her baby. She shuddered and fumbled with the strap of her bag, looking down.

"Yes. But I've never really thought about getting pregnant again." She didn't answer his question, his face dropping. "You haven't used-", she shook her head, her face pale as she thought about another baby of hers dying if she truly was pregnant.

"But lets not get ahead of ourselves, okay? Might just be a stomach virus." He shook his head and nodded, departing from her as she entered her own class. She had her schedule changed so everyone in the class was new to her. She said that she wasn't too good in potions for them to make her have it everyday, and it worked. But now she had to deal with other people.

"Alright everyone settle down, settle down."Professor Filtwick said cheerfully. The door suddenly opened, the sound of deep chuckles making everyone's head turn including Coraline's. She looked to the several boys, noticing they were the ones giving her the creepy grins.

The main guy looked to her as he fumbled with his Gryffindor tie, a smirk growing on his face as he looked her up and down. He winked at her, Coraline's face flushing as she turned away, opening her textbook.

Maybe she wasn't paranoid after all.


"Class is dismissed. Remember to practice your charms for next class! There will be a quiz on them." Many of the students were out the door before he even finished, Coraline packing her stuff and nodding at him in acknowledgement. She hooked the bag over her shoulder, walking out of the class and shutting the door behind her. She pulled out a book, excitement bubbling up inside of her as she flipped to the last page she was on.

A low 'oof' left her lips as she bumped into a hard chest, closing the book with wide eyes. "Oh I'm so sorry-." The same boy from class grinned down at her making her gulp.

"Ouch, you really did hurt me." He let out lowly, lust clear in his voice. It seemed like she didn't notice because she just stood there, her mouth gaped open as she tried to get any words out.

"I really didn't mean to-." "I know a way you can repay me." He said, his arm moving up to graze hers. She backed up slightly once she noticed what he wanted her to do, giving him a nervous smile.

"No thank you. I'm good." She was going to pass by him, his sudden tight grip on her arm making her gasp. She could see his friends watching closely, probably thinking she said yes so they could join in on the "fun". She looked up at him, seeing his angered face. She sucked in a breath and straightened her posture, trying her best to not look weak.

"Didn't you hear me? I said no." She ripped her arm from his grip, a low scream leaving her lips when he gripped her hair. He brought his lips to her ear, her eyes trying to find anyone walking around the halls that wasn't in class to help her.

"It wasn't up for debate." He started to pull her to the group, her body cold as she looked to the ground, the guys other hand slapping against her mouth to keep her quiet. The ring came to mind, her eyes filling with tears as she get for it, her hands freezing cold in fear. She quickly tapped the ring with her thumb seven times, hoping that it would actually work.

The door to a classroom busted open, a patch of platinum hair catching her eye. The guy just hid behind a corridor, tears falling down her face at the thought of him not being able to find her.

"I'll be back." He walked down the halls, going the opposite way from where she was. She shut her eyes tightly feeling herself get dragged once again. She tapped the ring seven times once again, hearing the shoes come to a halt.

Her heart was pounding against her chest, the guy suddenly stopping to not get himself caught. She knew the other boys had already left so they don't get caught so she would tell him how they looked if he did get to her in time.

The guys nails were digging into her skin, the burn of it making her little of hope die down. She suddenly inhaled as deep as she can, finally getting air in her lungs, and screamed into his hand. He cursed under his breath, pressing his hand even deeper into her face.

Rusher footsteps were heard, his furious face coming into view. He looked deadly as he looked at her pale and scared figure, her honey brown hues in the brink of tears. The guy let go of her and backed up, trying to make a run for it. She ran to Draco, his left arm open for her, his wand in the other. She ran into him, hugging his waist tightly. He let out a growl once he get her shake, his eyes turning into slits as he eyed the guy.

"Immobulus!" He yelled loud enough for the spell to work but not loud enough for anyone to get alerted. The guy dropped to the ground, his body freezing up. He was snapped out of his trance by small cries, his eyes adverting down at the sound.

"Thank you for-for coming for me." He bent down slightly and brushed a strand of hair from her face, his deadly look long gone from his face as he stared down at her. "Don't you ever think I never will. If you need me, I will always be there for you. No matter what." She nodded and hugged him tighter, sniffling. He gripped her jaw gently, making her look at him.

"Go to our room." He looked the the guy, his body as still as unmoving as a rock. His eyes darkened as he tried to control his temper in front of her. "I'll take care of him."


Damn they can never be left alone ✋

But drama is too good 😼

Love y'all <3333

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