Chapter 3

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Class was finally over and all Coraline wanted to do was get to Scorpius's dorm and eat jellybeans while watching a scary movie. But she couldn't.

She couldn't leave until she had spoken with Professor Malfoy.

She was now currently packing her stuff while Scorpius stood next to her telling her that he'll be waiting for her outside.

Anxiousness crawled up her skin as he shut the door and left her alone with him. He sat grading papers, his full attention on what's in front of him.

For a second she thought about leaving- why would she stay if he wouldn't pay her any attention?

She nodded her head slowly seeing that he won't acknowledge her and turned around, making her way to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said lowly, the sound of the quill on parchment stopping letting her know his eyes were on her.

She turned around and clutched the strap of her bag tightly. "To my dorm."

He leaned back on his chair at her blunt response, tapping his fingers on the oakwood desk. "I thought I told you I wanted to speak to you after class?"

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

He couldn't help but advert his eyes to the movement.

"Well you weren't paying attention to me so why should I stay?" This was the weed speaking. She might be rude all of the time but she wouldn't be like this to her teacher- especially Scorpius's father- if she wasn't on something.

He clenched his jaw and stood up, walking towards her slowly. "Because I said so. You don't want to get punished do you?"

She couldn't help but clench her thighs together at his words. 𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚.

A smirk rose on his face as he looked at the door, knowing his son was on the other side of it.

He leaned down to her ear, her breath hitching at the action, "One question Ms. Lennox.."

His hot breath was hitting her ear, her eyes fluttering shut as a shiver ran down her spine.

"Are you familiar with legilimency?"

Coraline's POV

That little bitch! How dare he use legilimency on me? My jaw clenched as I quickly composed myself from shock, nodding my head yes.

He smirked wider and looked me up and down, backing away from me. "Detention tomorrow during lunch. Don't be late."

I quickly closed the space between us once again as I scoffed in anger. "Or what you'll punish me?"

He quickly turned around and pushed me against the wall, pain shooting up my back. He stared at me with hooded eyes, the look making me want him to take me right here. "That's right.. and you don't want to know what I do to bad girls like you.."

Wow. Things were going pretty quick but I definitely didn't mind.

I breathed heavily as I stared at him with a hard stare. He once again backed away and ran a hand through his hair, turning back around.

I huffed in annoyance and rolled my shoulders back to compose myself, seeing a zoned out Scorpius waiting for me.

Before I closed the door I heard the obnoxious voice of my hot teacher sound out. "See you tomorrow Ms. Lennox."

I turned around and rolled my eyes once again only to find him staring at me with a smirk. The next words came out of my mouth without being able to control them.

"Yeah yeah- fuck you."

The last thing I saw before I walked out completely was a very angry Professor looking back at me.


Now y'all know this is DEFINITELY not a slow burn.

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