Chapter 7

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"Where were you yesterday Lina? We were getting worried." Scorpius said while looking at her with curiosity. She gulped and smiled, rolling her eyes, "I was at the library studying for the upcoming potions test we have on Monday."

Faye and Eli's faces turned from curious to shocked. "What do you mean a test today?" Coraline nodded and moved her pancakes around in thought.

It wasn't that she regret what she did with Malfoy but she did feel really bad. He has a whole wife- and even though according to Scorpius they aren't together it still meant that she slept with his dad.

"Coraline!" Eli yelled, snapping his fingers in front of her face. "Sorry- just nervous about the test." She grumbled.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms on the table, tilting his head to her, "I was asking you if you're going to attend the masquerade ball this next Friday."

Her eyes widened as she looked between all of them. "A masquerade ball- since when has this been announced?"

Faye rolled her eyes playfully and looked at her with a grin, "Well look at you. Miss know it all finally not paying attention to something."

Coraline scoffed and scowled at her. "I am not a know it all." They all sarcastically agreed and looked away, Faye's eyes still on her.

"We should go buy our dresses together next Wednesday after class Lena! It would be so much fun!" She chuckled and nodded, a smile covering her features.


(5 days later)

Coraline's POV

"Try this one!" Faye exclaimed, a groan leaving my lips. I was completely exhausted from trying on so many dresses. At this point I might not even go. I hate how they all look on me.

"I'm fine I'll come back another day-"

"Well it might not be here 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 so go!"

I mumbled curse words towards her under my breath, a triumphant grin on her face. I entered the dressing room with the dress, sighing and undressing once again.

I put on the dress, taking a moment to look at myself in it. And wow was this dress gorgeous. It was a blood red skintight dress, a slit running down the left side. It was a v-neck, my breasts getting pushed up and making them look larger.

The dressing room opened, a squeal leaving Faye's lips as she took me in fully. "This one's perfect! You're definitely getting this one."

I chuckled and removed my dress as soon as she got out, getting back in my normal attire. I walked out, taking both dresses to the register. Faye pulled out some galleons and put them in front of the women, her actions making a smile cover my features as I kissed her cheek.

"Thank you." She smiled as well and put her arm around her shoulder, thanking the lady.

"Come on let's go to a little shop I know you'll love." She said with a smirk making me chuckle nervously. I know she's going to take me to the worst store ever. I can already feel it.


"No nope- 𝙣𝙤." Faye threw her head back in laughter and tried to forcefully pull me in the store.

"Stop it", I whisper screamed, "I'm not going in a lingerie store!" She eventually succeeded in pulling me in making me throw curse words at her for making me come in.

She just ignored me and looked around, biting her lip and going further through the store. "I'm definitely getting you a red one to match with your dress."

I immediately shook my head no and tried to get her to let me leave. "Come on Lena you're going to look so hot." A sigh left my lips as i grumbled a 'fine', Faye taking us to the back of the store.

Millions of colors were decorating the dark vibe in the store. From neon pink to a very dark red. "Size small- here go try it on."

I grabbed it from her and trailed my way to the dressing room, lowering my head and inspecting the one piece.

There was no way I could ever wear this- it was way more revealing than my normal panties and bra.

"Damn you Faye-"

An 'oomph' left my lips as I bumped into a hard wall. "Fucking hell." I said as I rubbed my nose from the impact.

"Watch where you're going-"

My mouth gaped open as I looked at the one person I didn't want to see. "Professor Malfoy."

He rose a brow, his face serious as he looked down at the item in my hand. I quickly moved my hand behind my back, gulping and looking at his expression.

"W-what are you doing here?" I said nervously, the events of the other night coming back. We hadn't spoken since that day and I hadn't planned to.

He hummed at my question and looked me up and down, his gaze stopping on my v-neck shirt. It was for sure showing too much cleavage but that wasn't my intention. I just found it in my cabinet and thought it was super cute.

"Lina did you try it on?" Faye stopped and looked at Malfoy with flushed cheeks, a nervous smile rising on her face.

With a roll of his eyes and another look her way, he strode away. We both let out a breath, giving each other a knowing look. "What is he even doing here?!" I shrugged and looked around to see if he was gone, looking back at her with a now relaxed look.

"I have no idea- I'm going to try this on alright? I'll be back." She nodded and turned back around, walking the other way from where I was headed.

I entered the dressing room and undressed for the millionth time today. I slowly removed my panties and bra, putting on the uncomfortable one piece. It fit like a glove and made my ass and boobs pop out just the perfect amount.

I bent down and picked my clothes back up, the door opening the second after. I knew it was Faye so I grinned and dropped my clothes once again, wanting to show her how I looked.

"It fits perfectly don't you think-"

Who stood there inspecting me was 𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 not Faye.

"It really does..", Malfoy said with a smirk, closing the door and locking it after him.

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