Chapter 15

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"Fucking Asshole." Coraline lowly said as she angrily put her books into her new flower bag. Faye had gotten out of detention that day with watered eyes concerning all of them.

She completely broke down when she entered the dorm with all of them. Faye may act all confident but she for sure wasn't. Her heart was really big and sensitive so very little things got to her.

The second Coraline heard the words come out of her mouth she was fuming. Scorpius comforted her and said that he'll talk to him but they all knew he wouldn't change.

Everyone had their detention except her and they all had the same experience except Scorpius of course. Coraline had her detention today and she was so ready to snap back to him if he tried anything.

"Remember you all have to practice every spell for the test next week!" The students quickly filed out as Coraline nodded and sent Professor Filtwick a smile.

She left the classroom after the others, her smile instantly dropping as she walked down the hallways. Her detention was in ten minutes but she planned to go in late to spark a fire in him. Oh how she loved annoying him.


Coraline entered the classroom quietly, her face stone cold as she shut the door. "You're late."

Turning around she looked into his dark eyes, wondering if what she did was a good idea, "I know."

He clenched his teeth, trying to control himself from all the things he wants to do to her. He had no idea if her and Scorpius actually slept together which made him feel on edge. She had him on his last nerve.

The other day when she left Scorpius's hand on her bare waist he almost cracked and fucked her in front of her friends.

She made her way to the back of the room, dropping her back on the chair next to her. "No no", he stood up, making his way to a desk right in front of his own, "you're sitting here."

Very calmly she picked up her bag once again and walked over to where he instructed, sitting down once again without sparing him a glance.

He clenched his fist and looked down at her with fury, watching as she pulled out her quill and parchment. He hated how ignorant she was acting towards him. He just couldn't take it.

"Coraline", he spoke gruffly, "get up." She ignored him completely and scribbled down her name, dropping the quill and looking at her nails afterwards.

Gripping her jaw in his hand, a muffled sound left her lips as she pressed her hands against the desk. He made her stand up in front of him, his towering figure dominating hers.

He backed her up to his desk, bringing his other hand down to her thigh and hoisting her up to his hips. She instantly wrapped her legs around his waist, his other hand leaving her jaw and onto her under thighs.

His lips pressed against her neck, peppering kisses on it as he backed her up to the classroom wall. She tilted her head up, giving him more access for his hungry kisses that soon turned into small bites.

Moaning softly, she tangled her fingers into his silky hair and pulled it in pleasure. He groaned at the feeling, slowly moving one of his hands up to her waist.

He slightly pulled his lips back, mumbling angrily into her neck. "Fuck Coraline- you're going to drive me crazy."

She moaned at his words, letting out a breath when he inched his lips closer to hers. She had been dying to kiss him but didn't want to show how desperate she was.

He crashed his lips against hers, groaning at the feeling of how good they felt against his. They moved their lips in sync, his cold hand going under her shirt and up her body.

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