Chapter 61

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(1 month later)

"Shit I'm nervous." Faye giggled, hugging her tightly. She felt sick and she didn't know if it was because she was seconds away from graduating, or because of something else.

"Don't be Lina, it'll all be ok I mean you ARE graduating with the ability to become a healer." Coraline smiled, excitement bubbling inside of her. Becoming a healer meant she could pick any job in that category- including a therapist. Of course she knew she didn't really have to work with Draco constantly telling her that she'll always be stable and getting whatever she wants, but she still loved the fact that she'll always have that opportunity to work in that department.

They called Faye up to the small stage that was magically made in front of the great hall, the whole room filled with all kinds of house color decors. They had already called Eli and scorpius, big smiles on their faces as Draco- the person who was assigned to give the certificates- gave them what they've been waiting all year for. They all graduated with high honors, them not believing it was the last few days they would be here. Faye would be working here in the future with Eli though which meant it wouldn't really be the end for them.

"Ms. Coraline Lennox", they spoke out, her nerves getting more and more intense. She could see Draco in front of her on the stage, the small rolled up certificate in his ring cladded hands. 'Fuck his hands are hot.' She thought, a small smirk threatening to grow on his face as she got closer.

'Those aren't the thoughts I expected to read when you're about to graduate, darling.' He spoke in her head, her cheeks darkening.

Walking up the stage, she stood in front of him, looking into his softened eyes. He handed it to her gently, his fingers grazing hers. She smiled up at him, whispering a low 'thank you'. She walked down, sitting back with her friends.

She knew he couldn't make much eye contact because they would find out something was going on between that, but him telling her how much he loved her in her head was enough.

Fuck he was going to be the death of her.


Coraline groaned, getting out of the shower. Even the fucking hair sticking to her wet skin had her annoyed. "Fucking hell this shits annoying!" She tied her hair up once again, feeling another piece fall down from the scrunchie.

She almost screamed from frustration, feeling tears well up in her eyes. She had no clue why she was acting more sensitive towards everything. Sure she always found the hair thing annoying, but not to the point where she was about to cry because of it.

Opening the bathroom door, she walked out with Draco's shirt and some of his boxers. She saw him on his bed, then being in his private dorm. She was pissed- and she had no specific idea on why.

Draco looked up from the book he was reading, putting the circular glasses that were once on the crook of his nose, onto his head. She couldn't deny it and say he didn't look so breathtaking at that moment

He had to hold in a smirk at seeing her once again in his clothes. He loved when she wore them. He always knew she was more comfortable in his clothes than hers. He took notice of her angered face, his brows furrowing.

"Are you ok, my love?" She didn't even answer, getting on the bed and turning away from him to already go to sleep. It was only seven so it was odd that she was going to sleep that early. Her eyes were welled with tears, wondering why she was always getting frustrated and crying over the smallest things. She knows she's dramatic but not THAT dramatic to the point where she literally got tearful over the fact it took to long for the shower water to turn hot.

"Lina?" She didn't even turn around, not wanting to show him that she was crying over some silly shit. 'Stop fucking crying.' She said to herself in her head. He peeked over to her face, her quickly covering it with the blanket. He gently removed it, his face void of anything except softness.

"What's wrong, darling?" He could hear her sigh, covering her face with her hands. "I just- I'm so fucking mad at myself I don't stop getting mad at everything. Like i can't even do regular things without getting mad at myself or at it", she dug her body deeper into the mattress, "I fucking hate myself."

"Don't say that, Lina. It's not your fault-." She suddenly sat up and against the bedpost, cutting him off.

"Then whose fault is it Draco because it for sure isn't anyone else's but mines." He tucked a hair behind her ear, trying to be patient with her. He wasn't going to bring it up before, but now that she's noticing her mood changes and everything, maybe he could tell her what he actually thinks.

"Lina can you please let me do something to figure out what's going on?" Coraline furrowed her brows, wondering what it could possibly be. He pulled out his wand, her looking down at it.

"Maybe the reason you're like this is because you're pregnant?" She gulped, deep down wanting to be pregnant so they could have a baby like they had wanted to. Of course she doesn't know if he actually wants one but if he was happy when the last baby was on its way, then maybe he will also be so now. At least that's what she hopes.

Nodding her head, she watched as he lifted her shirt up and placed the top of his wand in the lower center of her stomach. She held her breath in anticipation, the whole room going quiet as they heard a small heartbeat emerging from her stomach.

Her breathing became heavier, not actually thinking she was pregnant. 'Oh fuck what if he actually felt relieved that we had lost the other baby but now there's another one on the way.'

"My love", she could barely hear him, her chest closing up. She felt his hands go to her face, feeling him shake it slightly. She could hear him call her name but she just couldn't answer-she could barely breathe.

"Calm down, baby." She looked into his eyes for a moment, seeing his face full of worry. "What color is my shirt?" She didn't even answer, looking straight into his eyes.

"Are you going to leave me?" She whispered out. His heart cracked at her words, not even blaming her for what she just said. Of course he would never leave her side, but after him leaving because of Astorias threat when she lost the baby, he couldn't blame her for having that thought. But that didn't mean his heart didn't shatter after she said that.

"No, my love I would never", he gently tucked a hair behind her ear, letting his touch linger as he watched her tearful eyes watch his every move, "you're my everything- I could never leave you or this baby." He could see her calm down a little, watching her gulp.

"Please don't ever think that again. I know that thought may cross your mind in several occasions but I need you to remember when it does that I am always going to be here. I'm not leaving you, ever." She felt somewhat better at his words, leaning forward and resting her head on his shoulder.

He ran a hand through her hair soothingly, feeling her slump into his body slightly. He stayed with her in that position for a while until she fell asleep, now hearing her soft deep breathing letting him know she was asleep.

He laid down on the bed and rested her body against his, hearing her mumble in her sleep. She put her head in the crook of his neck, her hands draped over his body.

A smile rose on his face, biting the inside of his cheek to contain himself. He was finally happy. He had the woman of his dreams in his arms, with a baby on the way. He could finally live the calm and exciting life he always desired, all with the people that he loved around him and Coraline.

To him it all felt like a dream. As if all of this wasn't real because to him, it's too good to be true.

And anyone would be crazy to ever think he would've preferred anything else but this.



(btw next chapter is the last chapter and I'm actually crying my eyes out)

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