Chapter 32

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Coraline's eyes fluttered open, the soft feeling of her mattress under her. She sat up and saw Eli sat on the chair in the corner of the room with his head in his hands.

"What happened?" He lifted his head up at the sound, getting up and rushing over to her side.

"You fainted." He spoke with worry in his eyes, his hand coming up to feel her forehead. "You were lucky I was there to catch you." She smiled softly at his words back looked around noticing no one else was there.

"Do the others know?" He shook his head, his hand going to her hair, "I just said you were upset and came up to your room. They insisted on coming up but I told them to give you time."

She nodded and pressed her hand against her forehead, sighing deeply. He looked at her nervously, biting his lip as he debated on asking her.

"Lina I need to ask you something", she looked at him with confusion, wondering why he was acting so weird, "what is it?"

"You don't have to answer but I just need you to think back to the moments." She nodded, laying her head back against the pillow.

"Did Malfoy wear a condom when you guys had sex?" She looked down and shook her head, "he just used to pull out."

He nodded and looked around as if someone was looking at them, and whispered softly as he turned back to her, "every time?"

"Well there was this one time but he gave me a pill afterwards." He nodded once again, the room silent as she searched her brain. Her eyes widened as she remembered the night of his birthday.

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"Eli", she spoke with tears filling her eyes, he immediately looked up his eyes widening as well in realization. "He-"

She let out a sob and buried her head in his chest before he finished, fisting his shirt in her hands. "I can't take care of it by myself! I'm only eighteen and I-"

He hugged her and pulled her back, looking softly into her eyes, "That's not something you should worry about. I will never leave your side if you're pregnant and decide to keep it." She looked at him with tears silently rolling down her cheeks, his arms wrapping around her and bringing her head to his neck.

"We have to make sure first ok?" She nodded into his neck and looked at the wall, her body relaxing into his gentle touch.


Coraline's eyes blurred as she looked at the positive test in her trembly hand. She was pregnant.

Eli knocked on the door, waiting for her to allow him to come in. "C-come in." He entered slowly and looked down at her hands, his own eyes widening when he laid his eyes on the test.

She looked back at him with shock written all over her face, tears filling her eyes to the brim. "Holy shit- I'm actually pregnant."

Throwing her arms around his neck she hugged him tightly, sobs wracking through her body. He grabbed the pregnancy test from her hand and tossed it into the trash bin, the top of it pointing out slightly.

She tightened her arms around him as she slowly calmed down, her legs almost giving out on her. He took her to the bed and laid her down, lifting the covers up to her neck.

Kissing her cheek, he walked to the other side of the bed, laying down next to her to give her comfort. There was no way he could leave her alone after she just found out.

His mind was clouded with overbearing thoughts that he couldn't possibly tell her. He couldn't believe had she slept with Draco.

Looking to the side, his eyes softened when he saw her mouth gaped open as she took in small breaths.

If she was happy, he was happy. And he hoped that if she told the others, they would be too.

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