Chapter 35

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𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠. Coraline's mouth gaped open at his question, her head lifting off from his chest. She moved back slightly, his hand instantly moving to her back to stop her.

Realization dawned down on him at her reaction. She was pregnant with his child.

Draco could see her eyes water under the shine of the moonlight peaking through the curtains making him sit up and bring her close.

Sobs wracked through her body as she buried her head in his shoulder, mumbling words that made his heart crack.

She clutched onto him tightly, his own arms tightening around her. Her voice came out broken through her cries, the thought of him leaving her making her tremble.

"Please don't- leave me Draco." She didn't want to take care of the baby alone because she knew she wouldn't be able to do it without him. She needed him for many reasons.

He shushed her calmly and moved her head back making her look into his eyes. "I will never leave you no matter what. We are going to take care of 𝙤𝙪𝙧 child and love them to the very end."

His breath hitched as he looked into her eyes deeply, "just like I'll always love you."

She didn't need to say that she loved him back but he just had to tell her how he felt. Even if she didn't feel the same way.

Her crying had stopped and by now she was looking at him with parted lips, her eyes staring into his with much love. "I love you too."

Smashing his lips against hers, his heart filled with passion as he heard those words pour out of her lips. He flipped them over, him on top of her as he moved his kisses to her neck.

An exhale left her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs also around his waist. His breath was heavy on her neck as he left deep kisses, "Say it again."

She let out a breath and fluttered her eyes closed, "I love you Draco." He groaned against her neck, the words bringing him immense pleasure.

Now looking at her with dark eyes, he watched as she withered under him, a small smirk growing on his face. She gulped and brought him down once again, kissing him roughly.

He made his way down to her neck, her eyes following his eager movements. "Tell me Coraline", he spoke as he lifted his shirt to the top of her breasts, his voice muffled against her skin, "does it turn you on that I put a baby in you?"

Gulping in embarrassment, she hoped he wouldn't prove how wet she truly was. He looked up at her from her stomach and suddenly removed the sheets roughly, watching as she pressed her thighs together.

A deep chuckle left his lips as he made contact with her once again, spreading her legs wide open.

"Nervous I might find you dripping from my words?" Her eyes were wide as she looked at him, her legs starting to shake when he has barely touched her.

His hand moved up teasingly, his cold fingers grazing her inner thigh. She bit her lip to stop a moan that wanted to leave her lips, his touch leaving her in disapproval.

"I want to hear you darling." She gulped and relaxed into the bed, his touch getting closer to the aching spot. She jolted slightly when he pressed his fingers directly on her clit.

Spreading her lower lips with his middle and index finger, groaning at how wet she was. "So wet and swollen.."

A moan left her lips as he dove in, her back arching off the bed when he kitten licked her. He almost let out a moan himself when he tasted her sweet juices.

He gripped onto her thighs tightly, his rings leaving indents on her skin. He pressed his nose against her clit, the feeling making her let out a broken moan as he moved it against her while he dipped his tongue into her tight hole.

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