Chapter 60

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Read if you're interested I did my best to make it all cutie patootie



Coraline chuckled, hearing Draco growl at how she had him. His hands were bound together, watching him try to stand up. She shook her head tauntingly, bounding his feet so he couldn't move.

He threw daggers at her with his eyes, being sat still on the random students desk. He tried to move his hands and feet around, trying to get lose from the ties.

She tsked, now moving towards him and sitting down on his lap. Her legs were on either side of him, hearing him groan as she shifted on his hardening cock.

"Hm, you don't seem that angry now", she tilted her head to the side, watching his jaw clench as he breathed heavily, "do you?"

She grinned, palming him through his black slacks, "not with how badly you want me to ride you." He was looking down, his breath becoming heavier. He didn't want to give her the satisfaction of looking up at her, knowing he would show her how much he loved when she took control. Of course he loved it even more when she was crumbling in pleasure underneath him, but her dominating him has to be one of the hottest things in his opinion.

His chin was brought up by her, a tinge of desperation in his eyes. He leaned forward harshly, smashing his lips against hers. She moaned softly, kissing him back with as much force. She gripped both of his cheeks as she kissed him, a groan leaving his lips at the hard grip.

Quickly unbuttoning his pants, she pulled them down along with his boxers. His cock sprung up, seeing the tip already leaking with precum. She unbuttoned his shirt next leaving it open in the center, but not being able to remove it completely because of the bounds.

Kissing down his neck, she trailed them down to the opening of his shirt, kissing down the pale skin. She could hear him hold in his sounds of pleasure, tilting his head back slightly as she kissed all the way down.

A gasp left his lips as she ran her finger over his tip, biting the inside of his cheek to not show her how much he loved everything she was doing to him. He couldn't lie and say he wasn't desperate though.

"Lina", he groaned, his eyes fluttering as she ran over it repeatedly. She started doing circle motions on his tip, his hips bucking forward at the action.

"Oh fuck-.", she was pumping him up and down at a slow pace, her thumb occasionally coming back up and teasing his tip. He squirmed on the desk, Coraline's eyes trained on his every reaction. She loved seeing him tremble under her touch- she loved having so much power over him as soon as she laid her finger on his body.

Her touch was suddenly removed, a low whine leaving his lips. He heard some rustle, feeling her move slightly on top of him. She took of her baby pink skin tight shirt, unclipping her bra. She didn't even bother removing her short brown skirt or her panties off, knowing that it would make him even more desperate.

He eyed her boobs, watching her bend down to his neck and kiss it roughly. He could feel her chest brush against his, just the thought of her riding him until he couldn't anymore making him almost cum right then and there. He couldn't wait anymore.

"Please..", he could feel her mark his neck just like he did to hers, grunting once he felt her bite the part of his neck to leave a dark mark. He could hear her breathe heavily, the sound making him question what has her like that. He felt her move against him, looking down to her moving hips and noticing her hands was in her panties.

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