Chapter 25

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"I'm really tired you guys", Coraline faked a yawn, "I think I'm going to go to bed, ok? I'll see you guys tomorrow." She kissed them all goodnight and walked out, making her way to her own room.

Opening the door softly, she shut it behind her and turned around to find a shirtless Draco sitting up against the headboard with his arms folded against his chest.

She walked to the bed with a small nervous smile, yelping when he pulled her arm and hovered over her.

He groaned and lowered down on her, burying his head in the crook of her neck. She groaned softly at his sudden weight, squirming at the tickling kisses he was pressing on her neck.

"Why'd you take so long?" He mumbled lightly, his voice getting muffled by her neck. She ran her finger down his spine softly feeling a shiver run down at her touch.

"Sorry they just kept insisting me to stay." He let out a hum in approval and lifted his head up, kissing her on the lips and getting off her.

He turned to the side and grabbed a pill, handing it to her. "I would've given you a potion but I don't have one here," he scratched the back of his neck nervously, "I got it from the medicine cabinet where Astoria keeps hers for when she goes out with other guys."

Coraline nodded and popped in in her mouth, drinking it with a glass of water he already had for her.

She slid down and rested her head against the pillow, him doing the same. They stared at each other quietly, looking at each other with the same feelings bubbling inside them.

"Good night Draco", she spoke softly, her eyes threatening to flutter shut. He brought his hand around her waist and pulled her closer, her body instantly relaxing into his.

He kissed her head and rested his chin against it, now running his hand through her hair. "Good night, my love."


Short chapter I know

I'll be posting a long one tomorrow 😼

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