Chapter 9

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Rustling through her bag she pulled a mask out and showed it to me. "This one's for you. It matches with your dress."

I bit my lip with a smile and and grabbed it gently, careful for the gems to not fall. "Where'd you get it Faye- it's absolutely gorgeous."

She flipped her hair over her shoulder with a grin making me chuckle. The masquerade mask would look so beautiful with my dress. It was completely black with a line of red glitter on the nose and cheeks, gems decorating the sides of the eyes.

"I know I know- but do you think mine matches with my dress? I think it's a little off." Her dress was a golden yellow that glimmers in the light. The color really brought out her inner self. It looked all cheery and funny when she was the exact same. It looked beautiful on her.

"Faye stop worrying that mask matches perfectly with it." I exclaimed as she groaned, nodding her head agreeing with it as well.

She stopped and shut her eyes, turning to look at me once again. "Are you sure? I don't-"

"Faye!" I chuckled and grabbed her face gently into my hands. "You are going to be the most beautiful one there. Trust me." She smiled and kissed my cheek, a small smile rising on my face.

I removed myself from her and backed away, her next words catching me off guard. "So who's your date?"

My head turned quickly, gaping hat her with a shocked expression. "What date- no one said we needed a date!"

Faye kept rustling through the bags getting Scorpius's and Eli's masks ready. "Of course you need a date Lina! There's going to be a dance and you need a partner for it."

My hands flung around as I got my dress and mask ready, checking to see if there are any wrinkles. "Then who am I going to go with Faye! Everyone's already with a date-"

"You can go with Scorpius."

I stopped moving and turned my head to her, sighing. "Faye", I ran my hand down my face in frustration, "I can't take the chance of him dancing with someone he wants to just do he can dance with me."

"But millions of girls and boys have asked him and he said no! So just ask him- I know he'll say yes."

I groaned and debated it. "Fine."


"Why not?"

I let out a breath and hugged him in relief, "Thank you, thank you!"

He chuckled and pulled me back, looking at me with a grin. "It's no problem Lina. Besides", he smirked and rolled his eyes playfully, crossing his arms over his chest, "we all know you're dying to dance with me."

I scoffed and elbowed his arm, looking at him with squinted eyes. "I certainly do not." He nodded slowly, looking me up and down, "mhm.."



I shot up in bed, my heart thumping against my chest at the very loud voice. I looked around in panic seeing Faye at the corner of the room opening the window and letting all of the light in.

"Fuck Faye you're going to give me a heart attack." I said with a groan, trying to calm my heart down.

"I'm sorry but you need to get up. The party's at 8:00pm and just because we don't have classes today doesn't mean you can sleep in."I mumbled curse words under my breath, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

After I did my business, I changed from my sleeping clothes and walked out to see Eli and Scorpius on my bed. "How did you guys get here so quick?"

Eli threw his head back from the corner of the bed with a cheeky grin and lifted his hand up, zooming it in a fast motion. "We obviously flew here."

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