Chapter 55

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I remember starting to write this book just for fun and then noticing that not only I enjoyed it but others do to. I cannot explain how happy I am for the progress of this book and how much I love y'all.



Coraline was sat on Draco's lap teasing him, knowing that he couldn't touch her because of his bounded wrists. He tries his best to control the sounds threatening to come out of his mouth, not wanting her to have to tell him to shut up.

He withered underneath her, feeling her move her hips against his. He threw his head back as her movements sped up, moving his hip upwards for more friction.

"Please..", her phone rang after the spoken word filled with desperation, a low whimper leaving his lips. He watched a smirk grow across her lips, grabbing her phone from the small pocket in her skirt. He begged her with his eyes to not pick it up, his bulge throbbing against his overly tight pants.

"Yes, Faye?" Draco stayed quiet, but his expression showed nothing but want. Her smirk widened as she palmed him through his pants, his lips parting in pleasure.

"Potions, you say?" She leaned into Draco's neck, kissing his gently, sending a shiver down his spine. "Yeah I'll be there in a sec." His eyes widened at her words, struggling against the bounds around his wrists.

The second she hung up he let out a growl, fisting his hands behind the chair. "You can't leave me like this Coraline." She tilted her head to the side, giving him a fake smile. "I'll see you later." She quickly got off him, ignoring his protests. Of course she was wet and also desperate for him, but seeing how much he wanted her made her even more excited.

Before she left, she put a spell on the bounds for them to break after two minutes. She quickly blew him a kiss, seeing his eyes darken and his jaw clench even from where she stood. She quickly sprinted out of the room, biting her lip at the angered look that was on his face. Oh how she loved getting on his last straw.


"No I wasn't doing anything, really. I was just bored and walking around." Faye nodded at the smooth lie that slipped out of her lips, looking down to the homework she needed help on. "I have a question." She hummed as she looked over the homework, letting her know she was listening.

"Are you the top of the class because you sleep with him or are you actually super smart?" She looked up to her, a loud laugh threatening to escape her throat.

"A little bit of both." She held in a laugh, watching her wiggle her eyebrows teasingly. They broke out in a laugh, knowing damn well the only reason she always got the highest grades in his class was because they were together.

A knock sounded at the door interrupting their laughs. They both looked to the door, knowing Eli and Scorpius would just barge in. Faye stood up and opened the door slowly, looking outside from a small crack.

"Is Coraline here?" Draco spoke. It has been an hour since she left him there so she could've just went somewhere else and left Faye's dorm already.

Faye could see Coraline shake her head from the corner of her eye, smiling nervously at her professor. "She isn't with you?" He rose a brow, looking into her eyes intimidatingly.

"Well I wouldn't ask you this question if she was with me." She nodded, looking anywhere but his face."Alright I guess she must be out." Faye nodded, her shoulders relaxing.

Draco didn't know any of them but Scorpius and Coraline that well, but what he did notice from each of them is the way they act when they lie.


"I'll see you tomorrow Faye, love you." She kissed her on the cheek, walking out of her dorm and making her way onto Draco's. They might sometimes be mad at each other but they will always sleep in his private dorm no matter what.

She walked into his dorm, hearing the shower turned on. She started to undress, opening the bathroom door, watching fog get out into the bedroom. She suddenly stopped, hearing groans leaving his lips.

Even from the foggy glass she could see his hand pressed against the wall, trying to hold himself up. She cursed under her breath, sliding the glass door open and getting in. She could see water droplets fall from his hair, her mouth gaping. He slid her hand across his waist, him suddenly flipping over and pressing her roughly against the wall.

Gasping in shock she saw him take heaves breaths, probably from not cumming like he desperately wanted to. She lowered her hand to touch him, his hand immediately going around her wrist.

"Next time your friends try to lie to me, tell them to act more convincing." Her cheeks turned red, her not even having time to comprehend it as his lips smashed against hers.

Fuck- she was definitely going to tell her friends to lie to him more.

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