Chapter 6

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Mature content (the whole chapter is literally smut)

Coraline's POV

"Collorportus- Muffliato-", he mumbled into the heated kiss, my lips not leaving his for a second.

A soft groan left my lips as I felt his growing bulge under me. My panties dampened as he swiped his tongue against my bottom lip, indicating for me to open it.

I smirked against the kiss and kept my mouth closed making his hand go to the back of my head, forcing me impossibly closer.

He suddenly chomped down on my lip making a gasp escape my throat, his tongue slipping in my mouth quickly. He groaned as he swirled it around in my mouth, the taste of faint mint filling my senses.

I grounded my hips on his lap, his clothed bulge hitting the direct spot on my clit. His hands lowered to my hips, throwing his head back into his office chair as he moved me at a rhythm.

"Fucking hell-", he said in mumbling, my eyes fluttering shut from the pleasure I was enduring. "More-", I said with slight desperation clear in my voice. His breathing increased as he smirked slightly, his hand coming down to my ass. I lurched forward at the slap, it urging me to move faster.

His hand was in my hair in a second, my spine hitting the hard desk making me wince, "That's not a very nice way to speak to your Professor hm?" He spoke roughly, his seductive voice making me drip.

I gulped at his dark eyes staring down at me hungrily, his eyes focusing on the buttons of my blouse. He made eye contact with me, his eyes softening for a split second. "Can I touch you?"

I nodded rapidly wanting to get rid of the ache between my legs. His pupils enlarged as he brought his hands up and ripped my white blouse open in the middle, buttons flying everywhere.

A gasp left my lips as I looked at my now destroyed shirt, looking back at him in shock. He smirked and looked at my forest green bra, gulping once he saw how revealing it was.

"I hope you wore this for my eyes only..", he said with a dangerously low voice. I grinned and ran my hand down my stomach to my skirt, arching my back.

"Only for you.."

He chuckled dryly and rolled his tongue in the inside of his cheek, the ache between my legs getting harder to contain at his movements.

I spread my legs wide, showing him how desperate I was with only my actions. His smirk widened as he roughly removed my skirt, his eyes now on my matching lace panties.

"Fuck.", he said under his breath, his hand coming up and grazing my hip making goosebumps erupt in my skin. He removed hem gently, opening the cabinet and putting them in with a slight grin.

He ripped my bra in the middle like he did to my shirt, my hand instantly flying to my now fully unclothed chest. He gripped both of my wrists tightly, moving my hands away and looking down at my perky tits while licking his lips.

His eyes soon connected with mine as he let go of my hands and the sound of a belt unbuckling sounded throughout the room. He removed his white long sleeve shirt, his beautiful scarred chest coming into view.

I couldn't help but gape at him, his right hand coming up unexpectedly and gripping my jaw making me look at him. "Tell me how badly you want me."

Fuck- I don't beg. It will make him think he has power over me.

I bit my tongue and stayed quiet, anger clear in his eyes. He pulled on my leg, his face now in front of mine.

Our lips were about to touch, grazing each other teasingly. I had to fight the urge to kiss his soft plump lips right there.

My thoughts were pulled out of my head as I felt his hand graze my clit slightly. I gasped in slight pleasure, my eyes fluttering shut.

He moved his hand away, his deep voice making me want to do everything he asks me to, "Eyes on me."

I kept my eyes focused on his as he moved my underwear to the side, his veiny fingers coming in contact with my bare pussy.

A moan threatened to escape my throat as I tried to stay silent and not show him how much I was enjoying this.

His finger pressed harshly onto my clit, my mouth gaping open as he moved his thumb on it slowly. "Malfoy-"


I moaned into my mouth, my hips withering under his grip as I tried to make him move his hand faster. I knew it was no use. I either begged or stayed with a pending orgasm.

"Please..", I said, unsure if he heard me with his low I said it. He tilted his head, his fingers stopping completely. "I didn't quite catch that."

Fucking shit. He wanted me to beg? Oh I'll beg alright.

A cry almost left my lips as he grazed his fingers over my clit, my eyes locking with his ad I spoke the words that I knew would make him fuck me.

"Please 𝗱𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆- I need you so badly."

His eyes darkened even more if it was possible, a dark grey storming over his light silver eyes.

He completely pulled away making me breath heavier, squirming on the desk as I waited for his longing touch. "Please! I need you to touch me-"

My words were cut off with a low scream as he entered me fully without warning. Fuck he was big.

My hands immediately wrapped around his back, my nails digging into it. It must've been painful how hard I was digging my fingers into his back but he didn't seem to mind as he looked straight into my eyes.

My body moved up and down on the desk as I tried to contain my moans, the feeling of his throbbing dick making me go crazy.

He groaned huskily, his hands gripping at my hips as he thrusted into me roughly.

"Such a good girl.. taking all eleven inches of me." My mind focused on his praising words, an unfamiliar feeling filling my chest at the thought of making him proud.

Tears were running down my face at the pleasure as I mumbled curse words under my breath. He suddenly hit a new g-spot, a loud uncontrollable moan leaving my lips.

"R-right there!"

I felt his groans grow louder as he hit that spot repeatedly, sweat coating his chest and face. I felt him pulse harder inside me indicating he was very close.

His left hand came down to my clit, rubbing it quickly. A shattered moan left my throat as I came, my back arching into his chest.

He thrusted one last time, his hips jerking as he pulled out and came all over my stomach.

The air was thick around us as we tried to catch our breath. I felt his rustle around me, opening and closing his cabinets as he looked for something.

I lifted my head up only to watch him pull out a tissue and pick up all of his hot cum from my stomach.

We avoided eye contact as he helped my up, pulling my skirt up my legs slowly. I furrowed my brows and finally looked at him as I tried to cover my chest with my ripped shirt and bra.

"I need my panties." I said as I crossed my arms, looking at him sternly. He looked up at me with a slight smirk curling on his lips. "They're mine now."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes getting off the table and walking to the door with my hands gripping my shirt over my body.

"Watch the attitude." He seethed in slight anger, a smirk of my own crawling up my face as I turned to look at him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Professor Malfoy.." I said knowingly. He clenched his jaw, my smirk widening as I winked at him and walked out completely, shutting the door.

Fucking hell my legs hurt.

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