Chapter 27

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"I hope he likes it- I don't know what I'm going to do if he doesn't there's no refunds!" Coraline whispered yelled as she looked down at the small velvet box in her hands.

She had got him a ring that when he presses his lips against the silver band, the words 'Yours always, Coraline' will appear. She doesn't know if he will think it's too soon but she thinks it's perfect for a day like today.

Taking a deep breath she walked faster, grunting when she bumped against a chest. She looked forward seeing Astoria with a nearly untied white robe, her lingerie slightly on show.

Coraline could only stare in shock at the sight in front of her. Did Draco plan to sleep with her when she was already planning on spending the rest of the day with him?

Bile rose in her throat as she lowered her head and apologized, trying to walk past her. Astoria gripped her arm and brought her back, looking at the box in her hands.

"And who's that for?" She questioned with a small frown, her teeth clenched tightly. Her mouth gaped open as she looked back at her, words getting stuck in her throat.

Astoria looked at her in disgust, searching her up and down, "are you deaf? I asked you a question!" She snatched the box from her hand and opened the box looking at the small ring. She looked at it questionably and turned her eyes back to her.

"Pathetic little ring. You must hate whoever you bought this for."

Coraline had to clench her fists to keep herself from bitch slapping her. She just looked at her seriously and snatched the box out of her hand, walking away silently.

She quickened her steps when she was out of view, her eyes tearing up as she thought about her words. She just wanted to get him a nice gift that she knows he doesn't have. Now she just feels like throwing it in the garbage can.

Opening the door to her room, she found Draco sitting on it and reading a book calmly. They had charmed the door that only they were the ones allowed in unless she let them.

He adverted his eyes from the book with a small smile, it falling when he saw her angered expression.

"What's wrong my darling?" He spoke softly, worry clear in his features. She walked towards the bed and crossed her arms looking down at him.

It would be a lie if he said she didn't look hot when she was angry.

"Were you going to fuck her?" He furrowed his eyebrows and sat up slightly, moving his hands to wrap them around her waist. She slapped them away and stepped back, waiting for his answer.

"No I-", she cut him off with a dry chuckle, "then you mind telling me what she's doing walking around half naked while looking for you?!"

He slapped his hand over her mouth and shut her up, angered words getting muffled by his cold palm. He looked down at her with eyes wide of fury, his jaw ticking as he watched her squint her eyes at him cockily.

She removed his hand from her mouth and grabbed him by the neck, shocking him to the core. She flipped them over, her hips above his already hardening dick.

His hands moved her her waist, he'd own slapping his away. "Don't fucking touch me." He couldn't help but gulp at her words, his breath stuttering as he looked up at her with hooded eyes.

"Answer my fucking question. We're. You. Going to. Fuck. Her." He licked his lips as he watched her put a silencing spell on the room with her eyes on his.

"Are you going to cooperate?" He stayed still, his dick starting to feel painful under his tight pants. She quickly mumbled a spell when he didn't answer, his hands getting tied on the bed posts.

He gasped in shock, looking at them and tugging his wrists. "Coraline-"

Her hand came up and grabbed at his hair, pulling his lips close to hers. He looked at her with wide eyes, not believing that his Coraline could be so dominant.

"Shut the fuck up." He breathed into her mouth, looking down at her lips to indicate he wanted to kiss her. She smirked and separated their lips, shifting her hips above his dick.

He groaned and shut his eyes lightly, pleasure wracking over his body at the movement. She suddenly lifted her hips and lowered his pants and boxers, watching his fully erect dick slap against his bellybutton.

Pre- cum was dripping from the tip, her pussy getting drenched at the sight. She looked at him with a serious expression, watching as he looked at her when she lowered her pants. His eyes widened when he saw the dark green lingerie she was wearing, his mouth watering at the sight.

"Now", she spoke with dominance, her jaw clenched tightly as she looked down at him with hooded eyes, "are you going to obey me?"

He gulped and looked down at her pussy that was just inches away from his throbbing dick. Looking up at her, he stopped struggling against the ropes and dropped his hands.


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