Chapter 42

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Draco was sat in his office grading papers when he reached Coraline's. He read over the first one and sighed, seeing she got it wrong.

It didn't matter though. He was still going to give her an 'A' because he knew how much stress she had been enduring these past few days.

Noting down an 'A', he removed his glasses from the crook of his nose and laid them on the table. He had been so tired since Coraline wasn't by his side. He'd always had trouble sleeping but since she started joining him, it was like he never had any.

The door busting open without a knock, his eyes adverting to a panicked Eli making his way to the desk. Draco knew he was friends with Coraline and Scorpius so if anything happened to them it would be the only reason he would be speaking to him.

Eli was out of breath from running, his hands pointing everywhere as he tried to catch his breath.

"Coraline apparated to your Manor-", Draco quickly stood up and picked up his wand, his mind everywhere as he thought about why she would do that.

"Your wife tried to hurt Scorpius." He blurt out making him stop. He looked at him with wide angry eyes, walking around the desk to stand in front of him.

"Where is Scorpius." The second Eli responded, he strutted down the corridors to his sons dorm. He was worried about Coraline but he had to see if his son was alright.

When he entered his dorm, he found him in the ground with Faye inches away from him. He walked closer to him and kneeled in front of him, trying to let him know that he was here and he was safe.

"Look at me Scorpius." He looked at him with tearful eyes, his hair a mess as he tried to hide how vulnerable he was from his father. "What did she do to you."

It wasn't a question, it was a demand. "She told me how much I looked like you and tried to- tried to get too close to me."

Draco's face fell as he heard his words. How could she do that to him- to her own son? He moved his hand closer, trying to see if he would flinch away. When he saw he didn't, he let out a breath and pulled him to his chest, letting him sob into it.

He thought about what he was going to do to Astoria when he remembered where Coraline was. "Coraline went to the Manor." He spoke as if trying to take in what she was going to do.

Scorpius lifted his head up from his chest and sniffled, his eyes widening. "What- we have to go help her!"

Draco shook his head and gripped the sides of Scorpius's face in his hands, his eyes focused on his. "No. You're going to stay here and I'm going to go. I don't want you to see Astoria."

He shook his head and brought his hands up, removing Draco's hands from his face. "She's my friend dad! I can't let anything happen to her."

Draco stood up and looked down at him sternly. "You're going to stay here and I'm going to go bring her back." He took in a breath and clenched his jaw.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to her."


Draco was standing in front of the manor with his emotions all over the place. He didn't know if Coraline was hurt- or if she was in an even worse condition.

He got to the front door and opened it with his key, his wand held tightly in his other hand. H could've just opened it with a simple 'alohomora' but he himself had charmed it for no one to come in that way for protection.

The house was quiet as he walked in. The only sound present was the patter of his leather shoes as he strode deeper into the house. He stopped walking once he reached the center of the spacious Manor and held his breath to see if he can hear anything.

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