Chapter 44

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"You're hurt Coraline." Draco spoke as he looked down at her scar, scared that it might hurt if she moves too much. She shushed him, pushing his craned neck down onto the bed and kissing down his chest. His breathing stuttered as he kept his head on the pillow,  "I don't want-."

A low growl left her lips, slapping a hand over his mouth in annoyance. "I'm doing the talking right now, professor." He looked up at her with slightly widened eyes, his body sagging against the bed. She continued kissing all the way down to his v-line, squirming as she trailed her bottom lip to his hip, her hot breath hitting his skin.

Unbuttoning his pants, she lowered them down along with his boxers. His dick sprung up past his bellybutton, her eyes darkening at the sight. He fisted the sheets, watching her every move. He moved his hips down to try and get closer to her face, a grin appearing on her lips.

"Desperate, aren't we?" He clenched his jaw and fisted his hands around the sheets even tighter, his fingers turning white at the tight hold. She stared to kiss his sides, a small groan leaving his lips as she inched closer to his cock.

Kissing beside where his cock rested, she suctioned her lips not even an inch away, teasing him. He growled lowly and moved one of his hands to her hair, a growl of her own leaving her lips as she forcefully removed his hand. She sat up, pressing his hand to the side of his head.

"Do you want me to tie you up like last time?" He stayed still, his eyes hard as he looked at her. Her other hand came up to his neck, pressing against his airway.

"Fucking answer me." He gulped against her hand, inhaling deeply. "No." She hummed and removed her hand from his neck, moving it to his erection and stroking it once. He gasped lowly, trying to not reach out and make her choke on his cock.

The thought quickly left his mind as she put him in her mouth and bobbed her head quickly. "Fuck-." He knew he couldn't grip her hair or even let out a word, but he wanted to so bad. He tilted his head back, hearing her gag against him, the sound immediately sending vibrations into his body. His hand inched to her hair, seeing if she would notice he wanted to touch her.

"Please-." He said quickly, her teary eyes adverting to his desperate ones. "Let me touch you." She removed her mouth with a pop, coming up to his face. "What was that?" He gritted his teeth, his cock throbbing against the back of her thigh.

"Let me touch you." She rose a brow. "Please." He let out, a proud grin growing on her lips. She bent back down her attention once again on his erection. She took him without a thought, a loud sigh leaving his lips as he thrusted his hips up once, pleasure wracking his lower half.

Not knowing if she allowed him to touch her, he kept his hand near her hair, watching her bob her head on more than half of his shaft. She looked at him with big eyes, gripping his hand and putting it on her head.

Almost immediately, he clutched her hair tightly, making her move even faster. She gagged as he made her take more of him, her hands clawing against his thighs. He was letting out groans, and small sounds, her pussy dripping even more at the sounds.

"F-fuck", he mumbled shakily as she hollowed her cheeks, swiping her tongue under his tip. His stomach clenched as he shot his load down her throat, making her swallow it whole. He relaxed onto the headboard, a light coat of sweat coating his skin. She suddenly started to pump him up and down, his head snapping down to her.

A smirk was planted on her face as she kept eye contact, her ass now sitting on the bottom of his thighs. He breathed heavily, his hips jerking as she swiped his tip, his forehead coming together as he got close to another orgasm. He kept his hands on her waist, his fingers slightly digging into her soft flesh.

His mouth gaped open as he shot his hot load onto her hand, cumming even more when she circled her thumb on his tip. He thought she would finish, but her hand pumping even faster was telling him different. He was getting way too sensitive but his cock wouldn't stop getting hard every time she laid her hand on it. He didn't know if he could handle how many times she wanted to make him cum.


"Shit-!" He cried out, droplets of sweat dripping down from his hair as he tilted it forward slightly. He had came ten times already, his pleads passing by her ear as she made him cum again. He tried to tell her he couldn't handle it- but his always erect cock told her different.

He came once again, a loud cry leaving his lips as he finished all over her hand. It was dripping down to his stomach, the substance immediately getting picked up by her tongue. She had came three times already by the sight of him writhing under her, her pussy still soaking wet as she watched him tighten his hand on the bedsheets at her swiping her thumb on his tip once again.

"I- I can't anymore." He cried out but made no intention at moving from under her body.

"Yes you can baby", she got close to his neck, licking up some sweat trying to drip to his shoulder. She went back of his ear, gripping his dick and positioning it at her entrance.

"Now be a good boy and take mommy's pussy." She sank down on him the second she finished speaking, taking in his cock fully. He let out a moan mixed with a cry, his hands going to her waist and gripping it tightly. She moved her hips back and forth, her eyes fluttering as she kept them on him, his cock imprinting on her stomach.

She grabbed his hand from her waist and pressed it against her stomach, letting him feel himself come in and out as she moved up and down on him.

"Do you feel yourself?" He nodded, his eyes droopy and tearful as she moved faster on him, being too overstimulated. She started to move her hips in circle, tilting her head back as he touched her g-spot. She moaned loudly, her back arching as she came, him following after with a whimper.

Looking down at him, a feeling of pleasure sparked in her chest as she saw his eyes fill with tears, feeling his legs shake uncontrollably from underneath her. She got off him and reached down in between her legs, grabbing the mixture of both their cum and bringing it to his lips.

"Suck." He looked at her tiredly, wrapping his lips around her fingers and sucking on them thoroughly, swirling his tongue over and in between them. She pulled them out, smashing her lips against his afterwards.

Backing her head away slightly, she grinned up at him. "Tired?" He clenched his jaw, turning his head away from her to try to keep a smirk from growing on his face. "Nope." She hummed and moved her hands back, running them up his thighs. His mouth gaped open, groaning out lowly at the soreness shooting up his thighs.

"You were saying?" He growled lowly, his hand going to her hair and fisting it tightly. "Just wait until I get my fucking hands on you." She gulped, leaning in close and grazing their lips together.

"We'll see."

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