Chapter 51

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"You just press this button and you can call him!" Faye explained. Coraline nodded and pressed the phone shaped icon, seeing a number already input it. After she had told her about what had happened, she guessed she talked to Draco and got her the electronic device.

"That's his number- he might've been the one that said to buy you one-? He paid me way too much for just two." She hummed and pressed the number, hearing it ring. It rang two times before his deep, raspy voice sounded out through the room.

"Hello?" He spoke through the phone, Coraline's cheeks darkening. She nudged Faye furiously for her to hang up. Faye giggled and stood up, walking to the door and grinning at her as she walked out.

"Hi." She said softly into the phone. She has her knees brought up to her chest, the phone at least two feet away from her on the bed.

"Is everything alright." He spoke in a demand making her gulp. "Yes I'm fine- everything's good." He let out a hum, the sound of his quill scratching against papers letting her know he was alone.

"Thank you for the phone." She said, resting her head on her knees, "I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I get a job-." "I don't want you to pay me back. Did you forget who I am?"

No words left her lips, thinking she offended him. "I didn't-." He chuckled into the phone, her hands coming up and covering her mouth. "I'll pay you back another way then."

"Whatever you want, my love." She couldn't help but feel a pang in her core at his deep voice, her body unconsciously sliding down on the bed, her hand trailing under her skirt.

"Are you coming soon?" She said, her voice slightly cracking as she moved her panties to the side, circling her finger around her clit.

"Mhm." Her eyes fluttered, wanting so badly to hear him talk as she touched herself. "W-what are you doing now?" He stopped writing, the sound of him leaning back in his chair entering her ears.

"Grading papers. You?" She pressed her vacant hand against her mouth tightly, whimpering against it as she rubbed herself faster. She thrusted two fingers into herself, hearing his breathing on the line.

"I-I'm just-fuck", the sound of her juices was heard around the room, her legs starting to shake, "I'm just painting my nails-?" She let out a breath, not even thinking about how bad her lie was.

The line suddenly cut off, her hand still moving in quick circles. She was getting so close- her thoughts rambling with the image of Draco pumping himself up and down. The door to her room opened roughly, her eyes widening as she scooted back, remembering she never locked the door after Faye left.

Draco's eyes were dark with lust and fury, his body charging towards her quickly. He was on her before she could comprehend it, a gasp leaving her lips. He locked the door with his wand, bending down so his lips were almost grazing hers.

"You little whore. Touching yourself over my voice. Are you that desperate for me?" Her cheeks couldn't get darker than they already were, her shaky hand laying on her thigh. He looked down to it, seeing them glisten under the light. He brought it up and looked at it with his head tilted to the side, making her cower down at how intimidating he looked.

"Looks like someone didn't get to cum, hm?" Her core throbbed, the uncomfortable feeling of being edged making her try to get as much friction as she can. She tried to shut her legs together, but his body was stopping her from doing so. Her skirt was off in a second, his hands gripping her thighs tightly. His fingers were leaving imprints as he spread her thighs open, her glistening pussy coming into view. He smirked and looked up to her, seeing her cheeks dark with embarrassment.

He flipped them over in a second, a gasp leaving her lips as she looked down at him. He moved his hands to her waist, lifting her up and making her hover over his face. She placed her hands against the headboard for support, her eyes widening as she noticed what he wanted her to do.

"I want you to ride my face, baby." Her mouth was gaped open as she gripped onto the headboard tighter. She was scared she would hurt him with her weight.

"But what if-." The thought was quickly erased from her head as he lowered her down, moving her hips on his face. He was licking her core up and down quickly, his nose rubbing against her clit.

"When I said ride my face I meant", he pressed her weight onto his face completely, a low cry leaving her lips, "ride my fucking face." She looked down, his eyes being the only thing visible. She started to move her hips back and forth, a moan emitting from his lips.

The vibration of the sound went straight to her core, a whimper leaving her lips. He thrusted his tongue into her small hole, her back arching at the feeling. She rode his face faster, her nails digging into the wood of the headboard. She threw her head back in pleasure as he nibbles on her clit, her hips stuttering. He gripped her waist tighter and started to move her faster, tears filling her eyes at the intense pleasure.

"I- I can't-! It's too much." He pushed her down onto his face even more, humming into her core. Moans and whimpers were leaving her lips as she rode his face faster, throwing her head back with a pleasured scream as she came all over his face. He drank up her juices in delight, his eyes focusing on hers once again as she looked down to see him.

His eyes were a dark grey, his eyes fluttering as he sucked on her clit, wanting to keep the taste of her in his mouth forever. She winced in sensitivity, getting off of his face and sliding down to rest on his body. He gripped her hair tightly, her mouth gaping open in pain. He made her look at him, snarling lowly.

"Don't you dare try to ever cum when I'm not in your presence. If you ever need me to touch you, or anything else, I'm only a call away."

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