Chapter 29

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"Ew- tastes disgusting." Eli gagged as he took a sip from Scorpius's drink. They apparated to the three broomsticks to have some fun and get out of the house for a while. They leave in two days to go back to school so they wanted to go out before they get to buy with school work again.

"It's so not! You just have to give it a couple more sips", Scorpius urged him for some more but Eli just turned his head away and stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"Quit it- he'll throw up all over me if he truly doesn't like it." Faye spoke with a bothered look, separating herself from Eli just in case. He squinted his eyes and did like he was going to throw up all over her, a squeal leaving her mouth at the action.

Coraline drank from her own pumpkin juice eith a smile, happy that she was spending time with her friends. Faye hit Eli on the back of his head, a wince leaving his mouth as he rubbed the hit spot.

"Guess where we're going tonight", Faye said after adverting her while attention to a grumbling Eli. They all stayed silent and waited for her to say where causing a look of disbelief to cover her features.

"Really? I said guess!" They all tried to think of a spot before Scorpius snapped his fingers and looked at her with a grin, "a club."

She clapped her hands and nodded, looking at all three of them with an excited look, "were finally going to have some real fun."

"I don't know you guys." They turned her head to Coraline, a questioning look on their faces, "why not Lina?"

She bit her lip and fumbled with her hands under the table as she spoke, "it's just- last time we went to one they let us in because Faye knew the guy but now we're going to a while other place."

Maybe it wasn't the whole truth. Surely she was afraid she would get caught and get in trouble for being there when she's under eighteen but- she also wanted to spend as much time as she can with Draco these last two days.

"Don't worry Lina we're not going to get caught." She shrugged and pinched her finger, "I'll think about it."

They nodded and put the money on the table once they were all done, getting up and making their way out.

"Scorp is that", Faye's eyes widened as she looked to the front of the store, "your mom and dad?" They all turned their head to the same direction, Coraline's face dropping when she spot them.

Astoria was pushing Draco against the concrete wall, devouring him with her lips. 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚.

She just looked away to the side catching Eli's eyes which were already focused on her. He looked at her with no smile or anything- his eyes slightly squinted as he watched her.

Tugging on Scorpius's arm she moved her eyes to him, "come on Scorp." He looked down into her eyes and nodded, his hand wrapping around hers as they walked away.

"That was disturbing." Faye spoke once they were far away, Eli chuckling at her words. Coraline couldn't help but look back, her eyes teary as she watched him look at her with no emotion.

She looked back to the front, her head low as she thought about a reason that he would want to hurt her like that. "You ok, Lina?" She looked up and forced a smile on her face, her throat aching from the tears she tried to hold back.

"I'm fine."


Tears were running down Coraline's face as she laid in her bed, the sheets covering half of her face. Her whole face was blotchy from how much she was crying.

When they arrived to the manor she immediately excused herself and sprinted to her room to sob her eyes out. She spent every second in room wondering why he would hurt her when everything was going so well.

She didn't know if it was because he found it awkward by the ring she gave him and that he thought it was too early but he could've told her.

A knock was at the door, her ears peeking up slightly but she ignored it. The person knocked again and she mustered all her energy to speak.

"Go away." She said with her voice muffled by the thick sheets. "It's Eli." She immediately sat up and stood up, walking to the bathroom to see if her face was too red. They had gone to the club so she thought they were going to come back later since it was only almost two in the morning.

A gasp left her lips as she looked at herself. Her hair was tousled and her nose and eyes were as red as a tomato. She quickly opened the sink and splashed water on her face, pressing her fingertips to her eyes to clear her vision.

Walking out of the bathroom, she inhaled deeply and opened the door to find Eli looking to the side. He turned his head when he heard the door open, pushing his body into the room and locking the door behind him.

"Do you need anything Eli?" She spoke softly, begging for her voice not to crack. Even thought she looked like she cried her eyes out, which she did, she didn't want him to worry too much like he always does.

"Ok- um", he tried to stay still, not wanting to show her how tense he was. "I just want the truth, alright? I promise I won't tell anyone but I need to know."

She looked at him and furrowed her brows, wondering what has got him so nervous, "what is it-"

"Are you fucking Scorpius's dad?"

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