Chapter 45

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Sorry I took so long to post this chapter it's just that school started and I've been a bit stressed lately

Love y'all <3


"Everyone settle down." All of the girls immediately quieted down, looking at Draco with swooning looks.

Coraline watched them with a scowl, quickly adverting her gaze from them and onto Scorpius who was sat on the other side of the room. He had found out his mother was dead. But that wasn't why he was so sour with her. He actually didn't care that she was dead after what she did to him.

What he did care about though was Coraline's uncovered secret. He was so pissed that his dad got her first when just the next day he was going to ask her out on a date. He didn't even want to come to class knowing his own father got the girl he wanted.

With a roll of his eyes, he took out his book as instructed and kept his eyes adverted down, not daring to spare a glance to any of them.

Coraline sighed when she saw him look away completely, knowing that if she didn't speak to him in class here he couldn't just leave, she could never catch him and try to speak to him.

So she rose her hand, Draco looking at her immediately once he saw the movement in the back of the class.

"Yes, Ms. Lennox?" She heard Scorpius scoff, his face hardening as he looked over to him. "Is there a reason why you're listening in on conversations and not doing your assigned work?"

She could see Scorpius clench his jaw and mutter a 'dick', Draco just turning back to Coraline, his eyes softening as he nodded his head forward or her to continue.

"I can't really see from back here- I'm supposed to get glasses this week for that matter. Do you think maybe I can change seats?" He furrowed his brows and shook her widened eyes to Scorpius, realization dawning down on him making him nod.

"Of course", he looked around, his eyes falling on the girl next to Scorpius. The snobby girl straightened her back once she saw his eyes on her, ready to do as asked.

"Ms. Smith, swap seats with Ms. Lennox." She smirked and stood up, grabbing her bag and speaking seductively. "Yes, sir." He looked at Coraline for a split second, trying to hide a smirk as he watched jealousy paint her face. She stood up and walked past her, rolling her eyes as she watched her sway her hips.

Sitting down next to Scorpius, she put down her bag and looked to him with hopeful eyes. "Hi." She spoke softly, seeing him kiss his teeth and look down at his work. She inhaled deeply and took it as a liberty to speak.

"Look, I know you're mad at me and you can stay angry as long as you want but please", she spoke even lower, tilting her head sideways to see his expressions. "I don't want to lose you." He tuned his head to look at her, speaking through gritted teeth.

"Why'd you do it?" She turned her body even more to speak, getting cut off when she was going to answer. "He's my dad Coraline. Out of everyone, why him?"

𝘿𝙤 𝙄 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙤 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚? Draco's voice rung through her head, Scorpius's voice and his silent one making her thoughts scramble together.

"Because he makes me feel safe." She spoke out suddenly, both voices shutting up quickly. "He made me feel cared for- and not your best friend cared for- the type where I don't even need to think twice to tell all my everyday problems to." She sucked in a breath, just spitting out the difficult words.

"He makes me feel loved ok?" She thought back about everything with her mother and abusive boyfriend, her eyes tearing up. "And i know you may never come around with what we've been doing- but I will always wish you would because I love you and always will." She noticed she got closer, their knees almost touching. She bit the inside of her cheek, watching him stay still as she spoke.

"But it's not the love you desire." She whispered that part very lowly, still unsure if he caught onto that. Scorpius gulped, speaking lowly as well.

"Is that why Astoria didn't like you? Because she knew?" Coraline chuckled dryly, not even glancing at Draco as she turned her head slightly, not wanting to show him her eyes filled with tears to the brim.

"Oh no she never liked me since I stepped a foot in your house. That time where she said I looked like a whore? She didn't know there either." She turned her head back to him, the words just spilling out of her mouth.

"But when she found out? I don't even want to mention it." Her leg was bouncing anxiously under the table, hearing the faint chatter of the students in their own conversations. Scorpius's eyes were getting teary, his jaw still clenched tightly to try and keep it at bay and not let it show.

"Fucking tortured." She let out, watching as his eyes widen as she kept on going. "Remember hat time professor McGonagall came to class and called for me? It was Astoria."

Scorpius's mouth was gaped open, not believing everything his mother had done to her. "Polyjuice potion. She tricked me and when we reached the abandoned halls she- she did the fucking Crucio on me." A small sob left her lips as she turned her body forward, hovering her shaky hand over her eyes to not show him the tears dripping down.

"And I was pregnant when she did it." She whispered lowly, shutting her eyes as she took in her own words.

"Trust me, I wouldn't keep the relationship going after everything that had happened to me if I wasn't so fucking in love with him."

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